Brisket collagen conversion question


Knows what a fatty is.
Sep 28, 2013
Los angeles
Hi All,

Been out of the loop for a while but I'm back and ready to toss up a sweet looking Briskie I picked up at RD today. He's a little guy about 10lbs.

I've been going round and round, do I go hot and fast or something like 250ish. The question I have is will the collagen conversion happen better at a slower pace or can it complete properly with a hot and fast technique ? How long does it really need to be juicy juicy juicy =) :crazy:

Thanks all and have a smoking good weekend.
From my experience heat is heat. The input for the conversion will happen either way, the key is not to under or over cook which gives the lower temperature a wider margin for error, especially on the overcook aspect.

In either case the rest is most important as it allows the final breakdown and redistribution within your brisket. Don't be in a hurry...

Good luck!
It happens faster cooking H&F \
