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is Blowin Smoke!
Dec 3, 2005
First off I have to give a BIG THANKS to SIDE for helping me out. I tired posting my video a total of six times with no luck for the last two weeks. Once I got a hold of Clint and he offered to help me out, he was able to help get my video posted, Thanks Clint for helping a Brother out :-D

The video is called "Bossman's Smoked Meatloaf with Hog Apple Beans" So here is the link:

I had to do voice over on the video, the day I made the video we had 35mph winds so you couldnt hear the audio real well. Hope you all enjoy it, and YES thats the Brethren Banner being displayed proudly in the backround :cool:
I honestly have no clue why it worked when I uploaded it but it did.:biggrin: I love the video Bossman and am glad we got it figured out.
great video made me real hungry. Everything was first class, well almost everything. Pfft a grey thermapen? Should got blue:biggrin:
Good job! I hope Bobby notices that you use the best Thermopen available, GRAY! I haven't made a meatloaf on the smoker yet, but I think maybe now I will. Good luck.