Beef and Bacon Wrapped Corn


is Blowin Smoke!
Jun 22, 2008
Cleaned up the Kettle today and decided just to do a burger. Then I realized I didnt have any bread. :lol:

Said "Fark it" I'ma do it anyway. Filled the chimney with RO lump lit it,15 minutes later it was dumped into the fuel holders in the center of the grill.

Sliced up some potatoes and put them in some water. Got the Fry Daddy heated with Canola.

Soaked two ears of corn in water for about 30 minutes.
Grabbed some butter and my Corn salt and peeled back the husks, removed the silk. Rubbed it down with butter, sprinkled on my Corn salt, wrapped them in bacon and then pulled the husks back over, tied with butchers twine. Pet em on the Kettle.






Made a little hamburger patty, just salt and pepper. Fried up two batches of fries and during the first batch, I put the burger on.



Corn is still cooking and it smelled wonderful. Came back in and finished the first batch of fries, put the second batch on and went back outside and flipped the burger. Back in and finished the second batch.

The burger is done, so I wrapped in foil and let rest. After I pulled the burger, I moved the corn to direct heat over the cooling lump. Temp was at about 300, and turned every 3-4 minutes. Pulled when the husks got charred a little.

If you havent had Bacon wrapped corn on the cob before, please do. It is just as fantastic as the thought.



Never thought about bacon wrapped corn but hey it looks real good.
Thanks for the idea.
Bacon wrapped corn does sound very good. It would have gone great with the prosciutto and mozzarella and asiago cheese stuffed pork chops that I wrapped in bacon and grilled Saturday night.