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Yet another great idea, and yes, something I must try!:shock: Everything is better with bacon, right? Give me a couple of eggs on the side and I'm in heaven:-D. Another great, great cook Jeanie, thanks.

I think I gain weight just looking at your posts:p.

Suddenly, my bagel has lost meaning!....Thanks Jeanie...and aside from the great food, what a wonderful setting for breakfast!
I have never seen biscuits and gravy done that way! Wow! :shocked: I'm gonna have to give that a shot over the holidays when I loosen up on what I eat. I truly am impressed at how you so often and so consistently put up these interesting and fantastic looking dishes.

Jeanie - really - just lovely all the way around - thanks for posting!
Thanks so much everybody, you're a kind bunch of friends!

You had me at "Gravy". That looks Soooo good. I AM going to try this. Out of curiousity, you mention adding spices to the sausage/flour/milk. What else would you/did you add to that?
Thank you for the perfect post!
I usually add sal,t pepper and cayenne for a little kick. Not much else. :)

You certainly know how to make an awesome meal. Did you save me some?
lol There weren't as many leftovers as I though there would be... I would have shared though. Thanks! :thumb:

Looks great Jeanie as always. I want to know more about the bacon powder please.


Thank you Robert! I meant to say baking powder biscuits, not bacon powder. I had bacon on my mind when posting last night. Sorry! :oops: :-D

Dang it Jeanie you're killin me!!!!

Anytime you want to adopt me I'm all in for moving to Texas.
I'll even bring you a new tractor rim :becky:

Thanks Dave!! I'd adopt you but if you move to Texas I won't be seein' ya.... I'm a western Oklahoma girl. :thumb:
I've made a lot of gravy in my life and it takes my undivided attention while making it to get it right, and here you are making it in a DO and and biscuits, then put the lid on it and walk away for 20mins and it comes out perfect!!! Never seen that.

When I grow up, I wanna be able to cook just 1/4 as good as you can!! Great breakfast!
Garrett thank so much. I was afraid the gravy would either be too thin or be like glue. I lucked out and it came out fine. Keeping it on the thin side helped.

You never cease to impress Jeanie, what a great breakfast.

Hope the fish were biting too. :biggrin1:
Thanks Sam!! The fishing was good!! :becky:

Jeanie, you are one of the most amazing cooks that I have ever seen. Why you don't do a cookbook is beyond me.
Bigdog you are very kind... Thank you!! :hug:

Yet another great idea, and yes, something I must try!:shock: Everything is better with bacon, right? Give me a couple of eggs on the side and I'm in heaven:-D. Another great, great cook Jeanie, thanks.

I think I gain weight just looking at your posts:p.

lol Thanks KC! I thought about cooking eggs too but skipped them... I wasn't fully awake that morning. :laugh:

I am not able to get around here as much as I use to but when I do I see your posts and just sigh. You truly are inspiring Jeanie. Thanks for the post

Great to see you!! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Thanks!!