almost mushy pulled pork


Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Aug 26, 2006
whenever I goto the dixie pig I get this pulled pork sandwhich that is mushy like tuna fish.
I never get it this soft or finely shredded when I make it, what are they doing differently?
Like really fine chopped mushy or the meat itself is mushy? Could be they cook the chit out of it or maybe it was frozen previously.
It sounds like it is something that you want to achieve, so I am assuming that you liked it.

Overcooked or not, how was it?
I know the Dixie Pig in NLR?

Very finely chopped, fools you into thinking you got alot of meat I suppose.
Not my thing.
I can tell ya what the problem is they overcooked it , man I hate that when it happens, its pork abuse !!!! LOL
as allready said, either overcooked or previously frozen, but also, they could be playing with it to much when saucing and seasoning. I know if i keep flipping and turning while saucing it starts to get mushy.
BBQchef33 said:
as allready said, either overcooked or previously frozen.

When I defrost frozen shredded pork pork it doesn't go mushy.

Is that because I vacuum pack it before freezing, and when it comes to using it I defrost it and warm it through gently in a pan of hot water before cutting the bag open and serving?
sounds to me its alot like lloyds shredded pork u can pick up in walmart in the plastic tubs, like its been processed.
When the meat has been frozen prior to smoking it I find that it is mushier in texture than fresh.
I hate to say that I liked it in the sandwhich they made, but I think it was machine shredded.
Never had a problem with frozen Butts.
Maybe we have been lucky.:redface:

Normally, the mushy (like mashed potatoes) pork is overcooked.

