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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 10, 2004
NorthEastern, PA
I don`t know what`s it`s like to eat steak in Texas, or other surrounding parts. But, I did Q about 12 lbs of filet minion at about 150º for 1½ hrs with some hickory and mesquite. Then, froze separate portions for later use. The first time I cooked one I grilled it a bit too long. Still was very tender but not as juicy and rare. Tonight I grilled one again. Heated up the grill with a couple layers of foil to get it good and hot. Seared each side for 8 minutes and served. Serious STEAK !

I know this topic came up once and again, but anyone thinking of doing it, do it!

After I gave a few portions away and ate some, I have 7 lbs to go!

................ Xczar
Greedy, That's awesome looking plate! Don't listen to anybody that would give you any crap about that broccoli its not over done and looks quite tasty. Only thing I would add is some sauted mushrooms, on the side please.
Damn that steak looks good!!
Brian, you sure your name isn't Mikey? You hate everything! :p
I was the one who asked the question earlier about smoked steaks.
What an answer :!: :!: And photo to match.
Damn, I'm hungry now. Gotta try one of those.
Now, to figure out how to build a 150 degree fire :shock:
brdbbq said:
add is some sauted mushrooms
You can burry the mushroosm next to the rice.

1. You must have been a vegatarian in a previous life.......... :mrgreen:

I'll stop there......I had a whole list of Brian bashes in my head, but I think it's just cause I'm in a pissy mood and there's no sense taking it out on the innocent. :twisted:
kapndsl said:
I was the one who asked the question earlier about smoked steaks.
What an answer :!: :!: And photo to match.
Damn, I'm hungry now. Gotta try one of those.
Now, to figure out how to build a 150 degree fire :shock:

Tim, ........... I only have the experiance of trying this one time, ..... so far. But my thinking was:

At the start of my last Q session, I loaded up my water pan with cold water instead of hot. And used a half can of briquet charoal to get things going untill I added wood chunks. I had the filet`s coated with a mollassas/soy sauce mixture and patted with seasonings. My thinking was to give it a good shot of smoke for 1½ hrs, trying not to cook the meat too much. At the start of this 1½ hrs period the temps were very cool, under 100º. When the filet`s came out they seemed to be still very raw. Soft like raw meat. I let them cool on the counter before I vacumm sealed them for the freezer. There was plenty of juice from the meat before freezing and after thawing. I used this as a marinade after I first filpped the meat on the grill.

The filet`s were very thick, 2". In hopes that the center`s would still be raw before grilling. I grilled them twice so far. Last time for 18 minutes. Close to perfect. Next time I`ll try grilling them for 10-15 minutes. Though they were the most tender steaks you could imagine, I was looking to keep the center`s pink. As it`s turning out, especially with the last steak pictured, much of a pink color is not necassary. Serious flavor and texture with the outside grilled.

Could not imagine a better tasting steak anywhere! This Bandera thing is addicting.

................. Xczar
Could not imagine a better tasting steak anywhere! This Bandera thing is addicting.
Amen to the Addicting, Bro xczar :D
Thanks for the detailed "recipe". Gotta try that next time.