Improvising/Going Native in NC


somebody shut me the fark up.

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Oct 16, 2010
My lovely wife is working in Southport NC this summer, so she rented a spot and I came out to visit her. I felt like doing some cooking.

There's a GOSM gasser here


But I'm thinking this may not be a good way to go.


There is a big ole firepit here though.


And a chitload of nicely seasoned oak! :clap2:


And some cinderblocks.


Maybe if I snag a grate off the GOSM, dig a hole a couple feet down, and use the cinderblocks?


I built a big ole fire.


Meanwhile I marinated a couple chix in this stuff I found in the grocery store, which turned out to be quite good. I have no therms with me, but at this point I think I know what a farking cooked chicken looks like. :loco:


The fire burnt down to coals and I put the chix on.


Coming along nicely - basted with the Carolina Treet




Not the prettiest chix I've ever cooked...


...but WOW was this stuff tasty. Everybody loved it, myself included. The smoke flavor was fantastic and there'll be a lot of Carolina Treet coming home with me. :thumb:

Thanks for looking!
carolina treat is pretty good stuff. I really like it but have found more people like something a little sweeter.
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OH MY, I'm liking what I see, they look pretty enough to eat all up.
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carolina treat is pretty good stuff. I really like it but have found more people like something a little sweeter.

Now that's what I call old school. Nice work, Chix looks great. What does that marinade taste like?

can't beat that carolina treat

That is really good stuff. For those who haven't had it, it's a tangy, vinegary type deal with a little mustard flavor thrown in. Definitely a flavor I associate with the Southeast, which is probably why my family and I loved it.
(my parents and sister are here too).

Wishing I could drop by.......for dinner!!!!!

You can! I'll be in Charlotte for a couple days at my other sister's, but come on down later! We got plenty of wood here...wait...lemme rephrase that....
Not too shabby there East Tennessee. I can imagine the breeze coming off the bay in the evenings really mixing well with the smell of the oak fire.
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