BBQ stains


Take a breath!
Apr 28, 2008
I realize this is probably a post better suited for Good Housekeeping but does anyone know how to get BBQ gease off of clothes? My daughter was running around while I was Q'ing and I stretched out a hand to keep her away from the UDS and got a black grease smear on her new dress. My wife was less than impressed and spray and wash did nothing. Any tips?
Now that it's washed, it's probably too late. Dawn dish detergent does a decent job on grease, but you need to hit it with Dawn and hot water before you wash it. A good soak in Oxi Clean, and then adding Oxi Clean to the washer will work some times also. I'm the ultimate clutz, so wifey and I are always battleing stains.

This works sometimes.
Greased Lightning/Oxi cocktail. I took some old shirts that were still stained after washing and treated with Greased Lighning and let them sit for a while, and then wash with some Oxi Clean. If you look for it you can still find it, but you'd have to know where to look.
I second the Greased Lightning. It added half a dozen shirts back to my wardrobe.
Stain Stick works wonders. I've had grease stains on shirts and washed them without noticing the stain. Hit it with Stain Stick and toss in the hamper. On laundry day wash normally. Stain will be gone. That's my experience anyway.
Oh, the spray stuff does not work on my dirt.
This may sound odd, but GOJO hand cleaner works great getting grill grime out of cloths.