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"Fark! I didn't know that goddamned log was there!"

"And then the little farkers proceeded to have their way with my ass crack!"

Just got home... wiped out! Gotta shower! Had a blast but happy to be home!

Thanks Greg and T Bird!
Wake up this morning in the trailer. Ron says "how'd you get in here".

All I know is it involved a Bull and a threat.

I'm going to sleep.

Thanks Greg, for the great weekend.
Jeff_in_KC said:
"Fark! I didn't know that goddamned log was there!"

"And then the little farkers proceeded to have their way with my ass crack!"

Just got home... wiped out! Gotta shower! Had a blast but happy to be home!

Thanks Greg and T Bird!

Sounds like you all had a great time. Can't wait to check out some pix!

By the way, Jeff, you missed an entire Rachel Ray thread while the "little farkers" where at work. We were about to call the authorities in but glad to hear you survived...:biggrin:
PimpSmoke said:
Wake up this morning in the trailer. Ron says "how'd you get in here".

All I know is it involved a Bull and a threat.

I'm not one to tattle on a brother, but all I heard was Bull say "Get in there!" and Pimp crying like a little girl... :eek: :rolleyes:

Remember... What happens at a bash ends up on the internet within two minutes!

Once Phil has a chance to set up an album in the gallery for the bash, we can all upload our pictures.

Thanks, Greg and T for hosting us!
I think the lines was

"they had a field day on my ass crack."


"I dont like Gerbils, they put up to much of a a fight.. im a hamster kinda guy..

as usual...

it was all about the meat..

friday was cheese bread, beer, fatties, puppy peters, teaquilla, pot of chile, pork loins and beer... and oh? did i mention tequilla..?? Greg had some crazy 12 proof cherry koolaid that was a hangover in a bottle. Friday was more drinkin that eatin..

Saturday, food got insane.. briskets, ribs(ronelle and jeff made something like 12 racks), pimp cooked something with various names, "smelly beef", fragrent beef..we all settled on "Pimps man meat").. i did a big prime rib.. ronelle did some fatty ronello, Bob made smoked meatloaf.. Mark made salsa for 200, Bull made Salmon......... im sure i missed stuff.. What i do know is the question of the day was.. Whose gonna eat all this stuff?".... but, i dont know about the others but by evening, me personally had it with anything that ever had a corpuscle.. Jeff and VooDoo had it right, and went for icecream and got me a BIG CHOCOLATE THICK SHAKE" :eusa_clap which was the perfect nightcap for me.. :oops: (I was a wuss when it came to shots on saturday.. I think the ronellos and meatloaf combined in my innards to for some kind of nuclear waste.... early on i did try to put the intestinal fire out with some of Bobs Beans, which had a really rumbly effect..(right pimp?) lets see.. in afternoons a steady flow of Chile, chorizo, fatties, jalepeno, meatlof with onions followed by a bowl of beans..

nuff said.

as with other bashes.. by saturday night, we were so partied out that we were out early.. i think.. around 2am.. :)

A great time, and another Bash to add to the count.. Thanks Tbird and Greg for hosting.

Now..onto the NEXT BASH...

Everyone at Jeff_in_KC's. Hes got a really hot smoker.. :twisted:

PS, just to touch on something that will be discussed(and copied) in KC's forum.. But i need some sleep.. wil do it all tomorrow.....

We did have a really nice ceremony for KCQuer. Greg set aside a spot in his front yard next to the flagpole.... flag was at half mast.. .. we each took turns digging out the spot and planted a cherry tree there.. we gave KC a few shots of Cabo, had a few toasts to him, but few words were said. It was a quiet and solomn time which afterwards Greg returned his flag to full mast as we all sat and watched.. No one was speaking really.... i think it was just a time of peace and a few more goodbyes. We will have pictures and some final video added in KC's forum before it gets moved to the final home.
Well, I wish I could have been there, may have been a bit more calm! I did enjoy the videos at my FOCIS class. However, come hell or high water, I will be at the next bash!
I heard somebody on this board was voted the official bashwuss.
Bashwuss *<snicker>* Bashwuss
I too would like to thank Tbird and Greg for being such gracious hosts again for the fall Midwest Bash. It's always good to see brothers again and meet new ones. One of these years I'll have to make it for a full weekend.
Yes, Thanks Greg and Theresa

And thanks to Spicewine for loading up Jeff with all kinds of goodies. Looking forward to trying the Hen and Hog dust.

bbqbull: great meeting you. Reinforces the spirit of the Brethren when you meet someone you have absolutly nothing else in common but barbecue, and still can find a common gorund to celebrate on.

Mark, we missed your hangover curing brekafast on Sunday morning.

It was also great to meet Voodoo. Didnt realize he was so close. Hope to see him for the Memorial Weekend Mini.

Great to meat Jeff to, and glad he took the ribbing on his smoker pictures in jest. That is one sweet cooker.

As a final fall bash at Greg's before moving down to MoFo land, it was a proper send off. The memorial to Scott was awesome, and helped me move on for I couldn't attend his actual ceremony. Looking forward to visiting Greg in a few years and seeing it in full bloom.

KFC mashed potatoes last night, just a little. I need to work my way back to solid foods.

Again, thanks to all who participated, both live and on the chat sessions.
oh yeah.. NO BREAKFAST on Sunday was different... but I think it was a god send.. after 2 days of eating... NO Mas.. NO Mas.!!!

dinner last night... a bowl of pasta..... Family had steamed lobsters...... no way i was gonna make it thru that..
Willkat beat me to it, but my take

As I took off my Brethren hat and put on my work clothes I felt really compelled to put some thoughts down and share some of what I've got running through my head.

I've met some very fine people face to face last weekend, finally: BBQ Bull, Jeff in KC, Big Dog, Voodoo BBQ, Mark, Willkat98, Neil, Poohbah, Mark and TBird and the Brothers I have already met, Parrothead, MrB, RonL.
Everyone on that list I was priveleged to spend time talking to. all I can really think to describe the feeling of driving to a different state and meeting people from all over the country and striking up a conversation like you've known them for months or years. And there was never a lack of things to talk about.

Sharing stories of past threads that were special to us around the fire on Saturday night as well as hearing past bash stories was great fun. And the shots and beer just kept flowing. Finally getting to cook with all of the Brothers was really cool. Especially spraying the grease fire in the BYC with AJ, just to suffer the ensuing inferno.

Thanks to Spicewine for the sauces and rub, I'll send a check for the sticker later.

About 7 or 8 on Saturday morning (as I was turning back into a human) I had an especially meaningful conversation with Neil and BigDog over coffee and Kahlua.

Voodoo, Thanks for the 90 minute IPA, it's in the frig, waiting for a special occassion.

Pooh I woke up this morning and thought.............."time for mustard" and then promptly flatulated all over my bedroom.

Bill, I think later today the Don Eduardo that Ron brought and the Parrot Bay will work it's way out of my system for good.

Ron, I tried you're Raspberry Hab jelly on a peanut butter sandwich last night....Outstanding!!!

Mark...I don't think I want to know ALL of the things that will fit through a human member.

Jeff in KC, I REALLLY liked you're cooker, and all of the bites that just seemed to crop up when you were around (ribs kicked arse too)

Bull, I don't know if it would be shocking or entertaining to see someones testicles get kicked into their esophagus.

And after I thanked TBird and she told me, "as long as you all had fun, messes can be cleaned up"

Bob, as always arse kicking meatloaf and hanging in with us until late Sat night.

And about 9:30 last night, Greg called to check to make sure I got back in one piece and signs off the call with something that will stick with me for awhile.

I didn't know when I arrived how to approach the KC memorial. I knew KC from the forum and valued the information he gave in very high regard, but had never met him in person. After the tribute got rolling all of my misperceptions flew out the window. I realized that everyone that gives up a little tribute or prayer for KC is not only good to do as a Brother, but being there Saturday I felt like I was there to support all my Brothers in their time of sadness. Not that my presence meant anything special, but every thought, every action and every prayer helps in ways we probably will never understand. All of you Bros that are hurting inside, I will give whatever I can, even if it's only an ear sometimes.

All of you Bro's that are contemplating going to a comp or meeting up with any of the it. You won't regret it.

reflections in the Bash pond

I am not even sure where to start.

First off, thanks to the Host and Hostess for opening their home to us!

It was great to meet a bunch of people so different and so similar at the same time. We talked about everything under the sun...and moon. You never get the chance to really connect with others at contests. I cannot believe that there are so many that share the same lust for smoke that I do so close to my backyard.

Every person at the bash made an impression on me

Phil, thanks for letting me help with the chili, eating by far the largest prime rib I have ever touched, and for all of the great advice on life in general...definately worthy of the term Poobah

Greg, thanks for thinking of me and making sure I knew when and where and for letting us play on the big bad BYC. See you this weekend in BN

Bull, you are a passionate man and I like that you certainly let it flow and I enjoyed chatting with you on everything from Fast Eddy's to life and death.

Pimp, You taught me the WRONG way to sleep in your car. Thanks for the stinky man meat and the after affects, glad the wife was gone until last night...thought I might have to repaint the living room wall. It was my pleasure to get some good brew for a man that in my book knows about as much as one can know about craft brewing.

Ron, thanks for keeping us live on the net. and the yummy goodies you gave everyone...that fatty was AWESOME! I hope to see you again soon.

Big Dog, WE did not chat much at the Bash but the 1 hour+ ride to the airport yesterday was great. I think that what you do in the real world (teaching) is by far the most important job anywhere. You are saving lives before they are in trouble...enought said. I appreciated the smoke talk as well and finding out that I might be on the right track.

Will_Kat, insane that we live so close and have never connected let's not allow that to go on much longer.

Bob, very cool new smoker the design is definitely working, the stuff out of it was some might fine product. I will see it more this weekend in BN. thanks for showing us all the cool pics of the design and fabrication.

Mark, not only some of the most profound Bash Bites but the most falic squash in the land. Next time we get together we will just get a 5 gallon bucket for our iced tea. See you soon.

and finally Jeff,
If you don't like me blame Jeff. He and I met at the Royal last year and I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Jeff introduced me to the group and has kept me active. He and I got to spend some Dis & Ref. time around the Spicewine prior to the deflowering ritual and it was great. We really ran the gambit of subjects and I have more respect for you now than I did before. Can't wait to see you in KC and thank for the Shiner Bock, it was well received at the house.

The memorial service was extremely touching and heart-felt and although I did not know KC too well I felt very close to him at that moment and I was proud to be able to participate in remembering someone so special to what we do and the world in general.

I will definitely attend more Bashes but it would take a lot to compare with the first one.

thank you for the memories and the fellowship!
I'm already back at it at the office this morning and of course, once again, missing a day of work has gotten me swamped. (job security?) But I did want to take a couple of minutes to say how much I enjoyed my first Bash! Regardless of how badly my smoker was sexually assaulted while me and VooDoo ran into town, you all are a damned fine bunch of guys and I'm proud to call you Brothers! You're still a bunch of farkers but that's beside the point. I knew I was gonna spend a large portion of the weekend laughing my arse off but this not being a "normal" Bash, I was also prepared for some tears on Saturday afternoon. Overall, a very nice weekend! Sorry I had to take off so early on Sunday morning but it was STILL pushing 4pm when I got home! Had a 30 minute period of being STOPPED on I-70 for a wreck west of Boonville.

Thanks again to Greg and T Bird for being outstanding hosts! Sorry I missed previous Fall Bashes. And Greg, thanks for the phone call last night. I appreciate your concern. But I had my cell phone turned off and on the charger so I didn't get it til early this morning.

Looking forward to the MoFo Bash next year!
Thanks to everyone that made it. It is always great to see old friends and meet new faces that already feel like old friends.

Bull, thanks for the help in setting up. Drinks kind of slowed us down on Thursday night, but we made up for it on Friday and got most everything done before people started arriving.

Everyone else? Well all the posts above me pretty much sum it up.
voodoobbqIL said:
We really ran the gambit of subjects and I have more respect for you now than I did before.

You actually had respect before??? Damn, my bad rep is gonna be shot to hell! :lol:

Thanks for the ride in the Coop on Saturday evening! I used to chuckle at those cars but not anymore! That thing has ALL the bells and whistles and flat ass planted me against the back of my seat! Defintely has some power to it!
voodoobbqIL said:
Pimp, You taught me the WRONG way to sleep in your car. Thanks for the stinky man meat and the after affects, glad the wife was gone until last night...

Something just isn't right about that statement.