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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
If you've been sitting on the sidelines all this time, now's your chance to show us what you've got in the "Noob & Lesser BBQ Folk" Throwdown!

It doesn't matter if you're an old timer here or noob, if you've never entered, just go ahead and do it! We've already got some really fine entries and we need more...from YOU! Yes, I'm talking about YOU! :boxing:

The best part is, you can enter whatever you like, as long as it fits within the TD guidelines! :clap2:

And even better is the odd cast of characters who frequent this part of the Brethren - you know who you are! :mrgreen:

Click HERE to go directly to the TD thread.

Originally Posted by bigabyte
This Throwdown is for anyone and everyone who has never entered a Throwdown before today (7/20/2012). Anyone and everyone who has never participated before 7/20/2012 is free to enter.

This is an Open Category, meaning there is no theme. You can enter whatever you like.

If you have entered a Throwdown before, but think you are still a noobile virgin, then please state your case before the moderator in this thread. The moderator will review your plea and will either approve or disallow your request. If approved, the moderator will provide special conditions to help make things fair to the others who are participating for the first time.

Pretty straightforward if you ask me. I like the way that guy thinks.

Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown...

You may submit entries that are cooked from Friday 7/20 through Sunday 7/29.

Entry pictures must be submitted by 6 a.m. Central US Time on Monday morning 7/30.

Before submitting an entry to this Throwdown, make sure you have read and understand the Throwdown Rules!

Best of luck and even better eats to all!
It! Is! Addictive. The wife and I set up last night thinking about the next throw down entry

:thumb: Ya know, we did have husbands vs wives for a while there as a sub-competition within the TDs.... you might need to sign your wife up -- of course, you'd never stand a chance at winning ever again. :tsk:
I have never done this before. I do not have a smoker yet (working on a UDS) so I will be grilling something. The wife and I plan to make this a dinner challenge for Friday night. Hopefully if comes out good. Stay tuned to see the results.
:thumb: Ya know, we did have husbands vs wives for a while there as a sub-competition within the TDs.... you might need to sign your wife up -- of course, you'd never stand a chance at winning ever again. :tsk:

Says the man relegated to eating tofu taco's. :) Listen to the man rgrizzle, he knows of what he speaks.