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Full Fledged Farker
Oct 23, 2013
South Florida
Name or Nickame
This time around I got a full chimney of briquettes good and hot and set a split on top. The fire was going very well for about 30 minutes and then It just died out. Let me remind you I'm up in the mountains and it's windy today.. one YouTuber use the method of keeping the door off.. I tried it and it still doesn't work. I'm thinking a chimney full of briquettes and and use thinner Sticks. I will say this, this post oak is rock hard it's almost like petrified wood. This stuff is much harder than white oak.

Looking at this pit again even with the wood small tree on top of the charcoal you're getting a very thin blue smoke which might be a good thing. Maybe put one Post oak split on the bottom and do the minion method filling the basket full of briquettes.



It looks to me like you smothered the coal bed. Prop one end of that split up on the charcoal ring so that it has an air gap. Also, if that chunk was split into 2-3 pieces instead of that large one, it'd probably burn better as you can prop the splits onto each other. Running a stick burner does involve science, but it's also an art. :thumb:
It looks to me like you smothered the coal bed. Prop one end of that split up on the charcoal ring so that it has an air gap. Also, if that chunk was split into 2-3 pieces instead of that large one, it'd probably burn better as you can prop the splits onto each other. Running a stick burner does involve science, but it's also an art. :thumb:

the fire was roaring with that split on there. It was going very strong for about 30 minutes and then all the sudden it just died out. I'm going to split this wood up into smaller pieces but if I'm going to do that I might as well just use my big bag of chunks and just throw that on the fire instead of splitting this super hard as wood. I cannot believe how tough Post oak is LOL
I’m confused, why are you running the WSM with splits? Don’t these use briquettes with wood chunks?
I’m confused, why are you running the WSM with splits? Don’t these use briquettes with wood chunks?

Some people have successfully use this as a stick burner. I wanted to get a very clean burning smoke for this brisket for 4th of July. Just experimenting so far it has not worked
So I chopped the splits in half. The fires roaring and the temperature right now is at 465 degrees. So I guess the technique here is to allow the briquettes to completely burn off and allow there to be a bed of hot coals from the wood. I would suggest leaving the dome lid off and just allowing that charcoal to get redder than hell and burn off then put the dome on and start applying wood when it needs it. My thing is this? With the door off can I get the temperatures between 250 and 275 degrees or is this going to be straight hot and fast every time? I'm pretty sure if I make the fire smaller and just have one stick burning at a time but that will greatly reduce the temperature.

