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Nah figured might as well drink coffee and browse around instead of just lay there.
going through my list before I take off this morning to get the hog
Just seeing this. I wish I were well. I'd be there for sure - it is a great cause. God bless y'all who are cooking and serving those who served our nation. I pray it is a successful fundraiser - and I pray a time will come when organizations like this will no longer be needed. Until that time, if it ever comes, God bless all involved.
shots from your not quite on the spot reporter.

I could not be there for this cook, I am picking up my donated smoker from Paul Shirley at Shirley Fabrications tomorrow (more on that in a different thread) :wink:

here are some pics of the hog


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First off a BIG thanks to Keith, Chris and Kurt who all helped out with this cook :thumb: And all the members here who donated!

We didn't have the turnout we had hoped for but it was a great time!
We got nailed with a real good thunderstorm near the end so we had to shut down a bit early.

Well a bit of a run down on the rub and injection that were donated by Rich of Mad Hunky Meats.
The injection was mixed with apple juice and let me tell you what, this is for sure the injection that I will go to for the hogs I do in the future!
Wow the flavor was amazing!!! The Rub was also top notch without question :heh:
There were a lot of comments on how good the pork tasted. Thanks again Rich.

Here is a pic of the serving area and my neighbors daughter and her friend who was also helping out.

Thank for looking in and THANK YOU to all who helped with this event!
Well a bit of a run down on the rub and injection that were donated by Rich of Mad Hunky Meats.
The injection was mixed with apple juice and let me tell you what, this is for sure the injection that I will go to for the hogs I do in the future!
Wow the flavor was amazing!!! The Rub was also top notch without question :heh:
There were a lot of comments on how good the pork tasted. Thanks again Rich.

Glad to have been a little help... :{) Mad Hunky is always up for doing what it takes to help make charity events successful! :grin:
First off a BIG thanks to Keith, Chris and Kurt who all helped out with this cook :thumb: And all the members here who donated!

We didn't have the turnout we had hoped for but it was a great time!
We got nailed with a real good thunderstorm near the end so we had to shut down a bit early.

Well a bit of a run down on the rub and injection that were donated by Rich of Mad Hunky Meats.
The injection was mixed with apple juice and let me tell you what, this is for sure the injection that I will go to for the hogs I do in the future!
Wow the flavor was amazing!!! The Rub was also top notch without question :heh:
There were a lot of comments on how good the pork tasted. Thanks again Rich.

Here is a pic of the serving area and my neighbors daughter and her friend who was also helping out.

Thank for looking in and THANK YOU to all who helped with this event!

I just want to say Dave is a total warrior...he put his heart and soul in this event and worked tirelessly. It must be a farmer thing being able to go without sleep, i don't know how he did it.... i was feeling past worthless not getting any zzz's. Thanks for the cherry splits Dave!

Kurt and Chris are truly grill masters and know their way around a pit! Great meeting you guys!

Oh Kurt YES you can get 20 quarters on a drum rotisserie! :heh: ....actually probably could have gotten about 30 on with some more forks.

There are some true patriots up there in Meeeeechigan! I felt honored to be apart of it!
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I had a blast! It was fun times for a great purpose. I only wish I could have been there Friday night for the chicken. LOL. I'll see if I can make it back up soon to help Dave out. Plus, I learned a lot. The rotisserie thing. Cherry, Cherry and Cherry. LOL.
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Thanks to all who could help Dave with this! Like Buttburner, I was not able to be there to help out this time. Looking forward to the next one in July!
A big thanks to Dave and Keith for all of their hard work. Dave went the extra mile to make this event happen. I am proud to have been a small part of it.