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My first choice for butt wood is Pecan and Fig mix. It is absolutely lip smacking good !!!!! The aroma will pull neighbors from way down the street !!!
dave how much cumin you think i will need? i have aprx 3-3 1/2 cups of rub made.

I use Dr. BBQ's Big-time rub recipe and tweak it just a bit, but it makes 1.5 cups, and I put twice the one TB that he calls for. The first rub I ever made probably called for twice what I'm using, but just add about 4 TB cumin to your rub and see what ya think.

Good luck!
Austin: thats what i kinda figured, but didnt have enough time to plan that one out lol, my dad volunteered me not that long ago. i need to talk to one of my friends that has property over eastern washington, i know he has apple and cherry trees, i should see if he has peach or if he can get some. i know peaches can grow here

LOL ya don't you love that I get my friends doing that to me all the time apple is also a great wood to use I use that a lot too, do you have a Academy Sports where you live cause they have apple chunks for cheap like 10 or 15 pounds for 5 bucks! Good luck with your bbq take some pics of all the grub for us please!!!!!!!
i'll prolly catch flak for it but my main wood is generally mesquite, makes for really nice coals for me to put on my apple, i just make sure to heat up the mesquite on the firebox to get it hot, smokin, on fire sometimes before i throw it in the FB so it catches fire right away so it doesnt smoke too much, cuz some wimps cant take the strong mesquite taste ;)
Apple is what I use for everything. But that might be because it's readily available from my source and less expensive than other woods here. Plum is awesome as well as peach.