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Guys, done my last cook where the meat's temperature got a little higher than what I wanted. Looking at buying a wirless to monitior temperatures closer. Question: What is your brand of preferance and why? Nu-Temp? Maverick?
I like the nu-temp...just cause i been using them for years and never had any problems...

Active/posting members get a significant brethren group discount from NU-temp. I'll email u details.
Thanks, Phil. Looking forward to getting the information.
Phil, hooked me up with the Nu-temp discount several months ago and now I can't imagine not using it. Especially when doing briskets and butts and for monitoring the smoke chamber. When doing large briskets I'll put one probe in the point and one in the flat. With the probes you know exactly when to cut off the flat and you still have a probe in the point. Plus, nothing like monitoring your Q from the pool with a nice frosty beverage.
JacksonsDad said:
Phil, include me on that email list, would ya?
Phil--Put Stacey on the list.
Stacey, while you are waiting--watch your UPS and mailbox :D
Now--Focus on getting a real Bandera!!! OK?
willkat98 said:
Bigmofo300lbs said:
Trout_man22 said:

Could you include me?

ME TO!! :?:

Um... the directions are here, find them

BigMo and Trout, welcome to the site

nope.. we took them down remember.. ??? to many guests/lurkers were getting the instructions from the files and reaping the benefits so we offer it only to active and posting members instead of all the hit and runs.. I'll send them out right away to you guys.
BBQchef33 said:
nope.. we took them down remember.. ??? to many guests/lurkers were getting the instructions from the files and reaping the benefits so we offer it only to active and posting members instead of all the hit and runs.. I'll send them out right away to you guys.

Fark no, I don't remember

I can't remember even posting this.

It was after 8pm, remember

I do remember getting laid though.

I just hope it wasnt the dog.
So thats why annie is draggin her ass around the house this morning??

scooch mod...

back on topic.. :)

anyone else wants the instructions.. send me an email to [email protected]. I'll reply back with the document.