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I'm not trying to be a d*ck here, especially since so many of the fatties here are made from what look like truly great ingredients, but what's the deal with smoking whole tubes of sausage from purveyors like Jimmy Dean?

I am not a organic-food-nut, but locally produced pig usually tastes better, and is certainly better for our roads, than big name brands. You can certainly get bad sausage anywhere in the country, but with a Kitchenaid grinder and some pork shoulders, excellent sausage is within anyone's reach.

Please believe me that i really, really am trying not to be an a$$, but when it comes to a process that already requires many hours of practice and control (i.e. smoking, and some grilling), I just can't bring myself to use a mass produced meat product. If it takes as much time and care as bbq takes, shouldn't I bring the most honorable ingredients to the table that I can?

Anyway, I am probably a nutter, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Well, there are some of us that make our own sausage occasionally, myself included. But for most of us making a fattie is kind of an afterthought. You're walking down the meat aisle, grabbing some ribs that are on sale, passing on the butts because they're too high, checking out the briskies, then you glance over & see the JD sausage sitting there and you say to yourself: "Self, you oughta make a fattie or two while you're at it!" And then you notice that the JD is ON SALE!!!
You can see how that happens, right? :biggrin:

Heheeehee. The deal is, they are easy to cook, really good, and folks love them. I make fatties to take to happy hour, and into work for morning break all the time. They are good snacks or can be reheated quickly for breakfast. I guess you need to smoke one and see.

One year at a big summer barbecue, I cooked 25 of them. We had 50# of brisket, 80# of shoulder, some lamb and all the sides you could imagine. Even with all that great Q, the fatties were still very popular.

Sausage making has been a hobby of mine for 30+ years, and I agree that quality meats and spices make the finest sausage, stuffed or bulk. But fatties do have a certain appeal to them.

Convenience, pure and simple. Another sacrifice for convenience. I'm lazy as hell. Not sure why I BBQ sometimes, I guess I really like it or something. But yeah, don't always want to grind my own. i do grind my own sometimes, but it's nice to just grab a chub sometimes (keep on topic fellas:biggrin:)
man thirdeye, that looks like a Cumberland sausage i had in britain that changed my culinary life, for the better ):

i only ask because real bbq takes so much planning (at least for us on the west coast), I can't imagine just slapping something on, the space is already taken. :D

With that being said, I do prefer local raised product for many reasons. It usually tastes more like what it is, cheaper than 'Whole Checkbook', and you get to be friends with your farmers. And frankly, if you are spending 20++ hours cooking a side of beast, I think it is silly if you don't know if where it came from.
I used to buy the tubes because it was convenient and they were good. Now I buy bulk breakfast sausage at the meat counter for $1.59 a pound and roll my own.
Some folks don't grind their own sausage and find it easier to buy it at the store already made. I don't grow my own chickens before I cook them, or ribs....etc. I have in the past bought ground pork and made my own sausage. Sausage making sounds a bit interesting and I may try it someday, but for now I get mine from a vendor.
That's easy to answer:
I don't make sausage, yet, and I don't buy crappy bulk sausage, and part of the draw of the fatty are the ease of purchase and cooking experiences. Even if I did make my own sausage I wouldn't have any problem buying the occasional tube of our local stuff!

If I was a purest, I guess I would also be butchering my own Pigs and Cows for my meat.
You make your fatties just any 'Ol way you want to.
I buy in on cows and hogs with my In-Laws and we have our own sausage that we made and all that hoo-haw, but I am not gonna use the good good stuff on an ol' fatty though, its used for stuff like pizza, sausage gravy, things that really need a good sausage.