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BBQ Bacon

is One Chatty Farker
Sep 22, 2011
Canyon, BC
Name or Nickame
You decide to make cinnamon buns. Only in this case you want to try the TikTok rage where you add cream to the buns before they go into the oven to cook. Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to try cinnamon buns 2 ways, I improvised.

Using tinfoil, I created a barrier in the pan to keep the cinnamon buns separate.


After another proof, it was time to put into the oven. The cinnamon buns on the left are the ones I added the cream to. Not a lot of cream. Maybe a quarter cup poured around each of the ones on the left.

Another way to keep them separate was I put down chopped walnuts and maple syrup on the right side to add some extra flavor and crunch.


After coming out of the oven they looked pretty much the same.


Flip them over and aside from the walnuts, they look pretty much the same.


After sampling 1 of each, the only difference really was the ones with the cream added before the baking were a tad moister.


Would I do it again? Probably not as I don't think it really added that much to the experience.
Nice experiment. I love these posts, as I live to experiment with food. We’ll done!!