What moisture percentage would you buy hickory?


Full Fledged Farker
Oct 23, 2013
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So I finally found a guy that has hickory and Cherry splits. he can get me a whole cord. he told me that the hickory is around 30%. My experience with my Brazos smoker that if it's not well seasoned you have to really play with the pit to get it to run efficiently. I like to know what percentage y'all go with when using hickory. I Always use a basket full of lit lump before I start my Cooks.
I buy from a local market type grocery store that does its own smoking. Never ask or care about moisture content. If it were clearly wet or freshly cut (which it never has been) I would not buy. Has worked just fine over the years.
Personally I would take the hickory but plan on letting it season for a few months. I have oak and cherry here, and the same Brazos pit you have. You’re right that it wants a more seasoned split. Once the oak hits around 10% I have great luck with it. Cherry about the same but the cherry being less dense burns much faster. 30% would give you all sorts of trouble but worth the wait if you can store it!
I cut down an 8 inch diameter hickory the 1st part of March. Split and stacked it uncovered. Been using small splits and round branch pieces in WSM and kettle. No harsh taste, good flavor. Beef, chicken, and pork. Grab it.
I have oak, hickory and cherry in my little woodshed. Its roughly between 10-15% give or take a few points either way.

30% is pretty high moisture content. Too high in my opinion.
As someone else said, 30% is fine if you have the ability to let it sit and continue to season.
If you're looking to use it right away...I'd pass.
My wood choice is Post Oak, Red Oak, and Hickory. My cooks are usually a combo of two of those woods. I store my wood in a covered shed so it never gets rained on and eventually dries out too much. I check the moisture content with a meter and once the moisture falls below 20% it goes to the firewood rack. I find the overly dry wood produces a chemical smoke taste vs the natural smoke flavor I like. If I am using the Karubecue C-60 I only use wood that is above 25% as the chemical smoke flavor is very strong with wood dryer than that in it.