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Pet peeve: No ice for my whisky....
Things warm up quickly in 40 degrees.... that's centigrade :cool: (= 100+ F)

Seriously: I have two.
One is mentioned a couple of times, people not having a taste before putting extra salt, spice or whatever.

The second one is preparing meat for a braai (grill) and people interfering and wanting to take over and consequently overcooking your meat.........

Ah, and a third one: Running out of beer :sad:
I am a knife fanatic and keep them seperated, sharp, clean and properly stored, then I see someone grab one to cut packaging, often cardboard, open and wonder why I lose it, they dont understand good knives are expensive and personal. I have a knife in my pocket if you need to open something.
Also a little off topic but people who reach for food on my plate as they only want a "taste", get a small helping and put it on your own plate, if you dont like it dont eat it, I got it because I wanted it, not for you to eat.
Maybe they are from Australia. These speech patterns are fairly common there. I once had an absolute hulk of an Aussie (see what I did there?) ask me which Harley-Davidson "bikie" he was going to ride, while visiting over here.

The "badge of honor" for an Aussie "footie" (them there footballs are hard as a ROCK!!!) player is any broken bone............:shock:

Peeves might be....saucing before you taste....I don't provide tomato based / corn syrup comm. sauce, but you're welcome to bring your own....

Don't really, actually need this:


....provided for the info of the Internet viewing audience......:wink:
To the brethren that said he didn’t like to smoke below 32 degrees???? WHAT??????????? Man I live in the D EEEEEE P south.......and we L I V E for below 32!!!!!!!!!!.....I guess we look for reasons to start a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preach it, brother!

Down here, we smoke in the summer because it's too hot to use the oven, in the winter because we want a fire, and the rest of the time because it's an excuse to drink!
People who open my cooker, of course.

The whole smashing burgers with a spatula because "it helps them cook, man" drives me insane.

What absolutely grinds my gears, though, is that one guy. You know him. He's the guy that was brought by your wife's friend. Yeah, her husband, and he thinks it's perfectly acceptable to take hunks off your chef pile that you make on the cutting board as you're slicing, after you specifically told him not to. It's like, hey, I don't even know you, let alone LIKE you, and I will cut your wrist with my razor sharp boning knife if you stick your booger hooks on MY privilege pile again. Not even my best friend, who I would bury a body for, would touch that pile.

That all being said, nothing else really bothers me.
People who open my cooker, of course.

The whole smashing burgers with a spatula because "it helps them cook, man" drives me insane.

What absolutely grinds my gears, though, is that one guy. You know him. He's the guy that was brought by your wife's friend. Yeah, her husband, and he thinks it's perfectly acceptable to take hunks off your chef pile that you make on the cutting board as you're slicing, after you specifically told him not to. It's like, hey, I don't even know you, let alone LIKE you, and I will cut your wrist with my razor sharp boning knife if you stick your booger hooks on MY privilege pile again. Not even my best friend, who I would bury a body for, would touch that pile.

That all being said, nothing else really bothers me.

I have to admit I have never met that "one guy" you reference. Guess I'm just lucky!