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Hey Rick,

Most proud of the fact that I took a less than 2 inch thick, cheap brisket and got the color & taste that I did. You tasted Myron's: mine was every bit as good. I think I'm low & slow from now on. Get yourself a BBQ Guru product bro (tell the wife Xmas is coming up). You won't be sorry. You're a JOS grad. You could do amazing things with it.
Very nice brisky for sure, and a nice setup with the Nano.

What is it about the sodium that your wife does not like... it's a fundamental element, it combines with Chloride to form "Salt"... Is it the chloride part she doesn't like?? If so, she'll have to stop drinking the water and brushin' her teeth too!

Did you advise her how much sodium they put in the broth alone??? Or is that just asking for trouble...

Sorry man... looks like you don't get it either... but seriously, has this been explained to her?... Wow, she's missing out on some very nice Q' that you're making a huge effort to produce...:confused:

Something has to be done!
Good lookin' briskie right there!

** minor hijack **
Those electronic doo-dads are pretty nice. I'm really enjoying my stoker too. If it can reduce my trips outside this winter, I will be a happy camper. :-D

I use a Guru & one of those neoprene covers on my WSM durring Iowa winters :thumb:.
** hijack over **
Didn't know that, thank you Bob!
All about learning here! :thumb:


Try what I gave you. It's an amazing injection. I developed it to try and compromise what my son and I wanted vs. what my health nut wife wanted in a brisket. I made it, and my son & I both loved it. Unfortuneatly, my wife complained about it having sodium. So, I had to finally quit using anything but the plain broth for her.

She is, of course, a nut. Hates sodium? C'Mon!
Can you break this down a bit more? How did the compromise not work? Thanks.

Hey Rick,

Most proud of the fact that I took a less than 2 inch thick, cheap brisket and got the color & taste that I did. You tasted Myron's: mine was every bit as good. I think I'm low & slow from now on. Get yourself a BBQ Guru product bro (tell the wife Xmas is coming up). You won't be sorry. You're a JOS grad. You could do amazing things with it.
So the Guru is the key? Is Myron a Guru user?

Very nice brisky for sure, and a nice setup with the Nano.

What is it about the sodium that your wife does not like... it's a fundamental element, it combines with Chloride to form "Salt"... Is it the chloride part she doesn't like?? If so, she'll have to stop drinking the water and brushin' her teeth too!

Did you advise her how much sodium they put in the broth alone??? Or is that just asking for trouble...

Sorry man... looks like you don't get it either... but seriously, has this been explained to her?... Wow, she's missing out on some very nice Q' that you're making a huge effort to produce...:confused:

Something has to be done!

Good points!!
So, prepped my brisket (fine butchering/injection) Friday morning, and popped it in the fridge overnight. Friday night, I prepped my Weber kettle: cleaned it, got my charcoal basket loaded and filled up my water pans.

This morning, all I had to do was start my fire and put my brisket on. Got up @ 8:15 and by 9 am, I was cooking:



Ten hours later, here's the result:


Sorry Myron, but I think I've been corrupted by the NanoQ and low & slow cooking. GAWD... I love that redness you can achieve by low & slow.

Didn't use any wood (not crazy about smoking beef - that is not a smoke ring you see), and this was a el-cheapo Giant Foods brisket ($15).

In all modesty, this was every bit as tasty as the Wagyu brisket Myron cooked us (same injection), and it had better color.

Bill, in your 40 years of experience, have you ever cooked a better briskie? Did the technology really make that big if difference? Before low and slow, how did you go bout cookin? Smoke ring is a whole nother beast. Did you serve it sliced or pulled? In the end, how was your "cheapo" brisket better than Myron's wagyu on all levels? We wanna know.

Very nice brisky for sure, and a nice setup with the Nano.

What is it about the sodium that your wife does not like... it's a fundamental element, it combines with Chloride to form "Salt"... Is it the chloride part she doesn't like?? If so, she'll have to stop drinking the water and brushin' her teeth too!

Did you advise her how much sodium they put in the broth alone??? Or is that just asking for trouble...

Sorry man... looks like you don't get it either... but seriously, has this been explained to her?... Wow, she's missing out on some very nice Q' that you're making a huge effort to produce...:confused:

Something has to be done!


Yeah, if you weren't so far away, maybe you could help me with an intervention, eh? But maybe what's needed is an exorcism? :-D

My wife is a lovely little italian girl, but she has fault: she's got the lawyer's disease... she's always right. If I pointed out what you did, that there's sodium in nearly everything, she's just say "all the more reason to limit it in your food."

Rick gave me some wisdom at the JOS class. When it came to winning a point of contention with his wife, he had been asked:

"What do you want to be, right, or happy?"

These days, I just say "yes dear" and make a 2nd of whatever I'm cooking for her.

Re-read my posts.

Myron cooks hot & fast. His cookers are ten thousand dollars, and he has a crew to monitor the temp around the clock. Whatsmore, he's using $90-100 Wagyu briskets.

But guess what? He's not alone in that.

Other comp teams use the same quality meat, have even more expensive cookers, and have even bigger crews of helpers.

What make Myron special? He knows how to set his flavors up.

Take his class and he'll share with you how to do it.

Was it the best brisket I ever did? Maybe not.

But it was the best cheap brisket I ever did, and yes, the NanoQ, as I noted, was about 40% of it.

You seem intent on knocking merchant's products. You may not be aware of this, but many of these merchants operate on a shoe-string budget. Losing a few orders because someone goes on an ill-conceived tirade can mean the difference between them making money some months (and thus being able to pay their bills and feed their families) vs. not making any.

We get it: you don't see the need for temp control electronically.

No, Bill, not intent on knocking the technology. Was just hoping you could share a bit more in depth how it has really made that big a difference for you as a person with so many years of experience. Thought that would make for some good learning for all of us. How do you feel it accounted for so much of the success (40%) this time around vs your experiences in the past? Interesting topic.

Those electronic doo-dads are pretty nice. I'm really enjoying my stoker too. If it can reduce my trips outside this winter, I will be a happy camper. :-D
I just ordered mine. How do you like yours?

Try what I gave you. It's an amazing injection. I developed it to try and compromise what my son and I wanted vs. what my health nut wife wanted in a brisket. I made it, and my son & I both loved it. Unfortuneatly, my wife complained about it having sodium. So, I had to finally quit using anything but the plain broth for her.

She is, of course, a nut. Hates sodium? C'Mon!
Thank you, I will. I'm always changing my injection and tweaking to my liking.:thumb:
No, Bill, not intent on knocking the technology. Was just hoping you could share a bit more in depth how it has really made that big a difference for you as a person with so many years of experience. Thought that would make for some good learning for all of us. How do you feel it accounted for so much of the success (40%) this time around vs your experiences in the past? Interesting topic.


Excuse my rudeness Bob, I apologize. You're a good guy and myself and the rest of us brethren are very grateful for all you do for the site.
Hey Bill, thanks for the expansion of the salt issue. Just a thought. When you cook for her, have you ever provided her a dish with no seasoning on it at all... if so, what did she say and did she put salt on it? Personally, I'm for underseasoning a bit just in case you overdo it... then you can always add a sauce or a sprinkle of salt... then everyones happy. It might be a compromise to do the same thing for her... you cook one dish, and add something extra to yours at the table, and everyones happy...


Hey Bill, thanks for the expansion of the salt issue. Just a thought. When you cook for her, have you ever provided her a dish with no seasoning on it at all... if so, what did she say and did she put salt on it? Personally, I'm for underseasoning a bit just in case you overdo it... then you can always add a sauce or a sprinkle of salt... then everyones happy. It might be a compromise to do the same thing for her... you cook one dish, and add something extra to yours at the table, and everyones happy...



All the time... that's what she wants. She likes plain food.

That's pretty much what I try to do, but the son is like us, and I try to accomodate both. Sometimes, things overlap.
Oh man... I'm at a bit of a loss then.... For an Italian, I find that quite extraordinary, but then this is what challenges us from time to time. I'm sure you can BBQ Romaine lettuce and such, and keep things healthy and salt free, and she will occasionally have a slice of chicken breast... and be fit and healthy.

That's not too bad you know...


Hey SA - I've actually had a really great grilled romaine salad, so it's possible! But keep on cookin' what makes both of you happy - life is too short to get yer undies in a bunch over the small stuff (as long as it isn't a health issue for anyone).

My wife is the same when it comes to detesting salt; it's just not worth arguing about it with her; and sometimes I slip it into things by using soy or fish sauce, etc. She loves my brisket and it tends to be pretty salty, so I think most of it is a pre-conceived bias against salt in her case. But like btcg said: you can be "happy or right", so for this discussion I'll choose "happy" and save "right" for the big stuff.

PS - nice briskie!