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I live in the State of Vermont where BBQ is more of a hobby, unless you open a restaurant, or you're doing chicken for the 4th of July, and there aren't many people who appreciate a good BBQ restaurant in Vermont. At least the one we had in town didn't survive.

Too many people here think of BBQ as something cooked on a "grill". No one that I know of smokes or actually has an open fire setup. (If anyone from another area of Vermont knows of one I'll take down the address.) :caked:

Just today I was grilling hamburgers and franks with the Knights of Columbus for the annual picnic. One of the reasons I'm here is to find ways to build a Fuel Oil Tank smoker/grill. (FOT?) It will be used by the Knights of Columbus (Father Galligan Council 2085) and hopefully we can do some real BBQ.

The extent of my skills so far is steak and hand made burgers on the backyard grill, but hey, I'm watching BBQ Pitmasters right now and learning a little. Well, you know how it is. I've been wanting to cook brisket and ribs for a long time. I just don't want a complete disaster on my first try.

Does anyone here cook wild game? That's definitely in my near future.

So there you have it. I won't spell out my entire life, but you're not interested in much beyond the grill so let's get to the BBQ. :grin:
Howdy and welcome from Arizona! There is a lot of info to be found here, there is a search feature at the bottom of the page or you can ask a question in the Q talk.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

I forgot to mention that I do actually have a favorite slaughter house about 30 minutes away. The best steaks in the area as far as I'm concerned and you never have to worry about getting the cut you want. :becky:

I have read some threads and it seems as though a lot of people have to rely on the local supermarket. I'm glad that's not my only choice. The best I've bought at the local supermarket isn't close to what you can get at a good butcher's or slaughter house.