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is one Smokin' Farker
Oct 10, 2012
Wylie, TX
This weekend we wished our Foreign Exchange student (Sophie - 16 year old young woman from Vietnam) a fond farewell with a BBQ and Pool Party. She leaves this Thursday - will be sad to see her go. Had lots of Good moments with a few bad ... but hey she is a teenager...

Originally planned to cook several different types of briskets, but time, resources, and my wife dictated otherwise.

So I ended up doing a Texas style brisket, 2 Beef Baby Backs (never cooked 'em before and they were only $12) with a bunch of Wings.


Brisket - did 2 Angus trimmed briskets... they had great marbling and as of late, the other choice briskets at Costco, Sam's, and Kroger have been seriously lacking quality.


Cleaned them up and rubbed them down with some Worcestershire/Beef Broth sauce, covered them and put them in the fridge for about an hour.

Went outside, did the usual clean up on the Traeger, loaded up some Pecan Pellets, powered the Pellet pooper up, set it to 225, got my Smoke Tube (I use it to add extra smoke to the Traeger) with Apple chips and placed in the back, then filled up my water pan.

Went inside, took the Briskets out of the fridge, rubbed them down with my homemade rub, and threw them on the pit fat cap down.


After getting them all set, went back inside and turned my attention to the ribs. First I removed the membrane - OR at least I thought I did. I'm still figuring this out (when I went to cut them up after smoking, there was still a bit of membrane that was a tough cut - guessing I got the outside of the membrane and not all of it...). Put the ribs in a marinade - nothing fancy - Worechestershire, Beef broth, Onion Powder, and a little bit of Jalepeno powder.


At about 6 hours into the cook, I decided to flip the briskets to Fat Cap up, this is the first time I haven't wrapped brisket at 4 hours.



Topped off the water pan and closed the lid. I wouldn't check on them again for awhile. Total cook time was around 14-15 hours with an average pit temp @ grate level of 220.

After closing the lid up .. I turned to my other Traeger and put the ribs on. The ribs marinated for about 5 hours and were rubbed down with my brisket rub PLUS my mix of home dried Habanero mix. Love me a little heat.

This is right before wrapping them (wrapping I added some butter and some of the Worechestershire/Beef Brother liquid) ... I think was 2 hours in... they were cooking a little faster than I had liked so dropped that Traeger from 275 to 225.


Brisket internal temp reach around 195 ... so I took my chicken wings out of the brine, tossed them in a bull, rubbed them down with extra virgin olive oil, and hit them with my mix of Kosher Salt, Fresh Ground Pepper Corn Medly, Onion, and Garlic... then put them back in the fridge while I wait on the brisket to hit 205.


Brisket hit 205, I wrapped them, and put them in the hot box. Turned the Traeger up to 350, loaded my extra accessory rack, loaded it down with wings.


@350 the wings only take about 50 minutes or so on the pit (I temp them to make sure they are safe).

I chopped the brisket after an hour of rest - chopped as we were serving a bunch of teenagers and chopped goes a lot farther on a roll then slices.


Pulled the wings off and tossed them with my home made BBQ sauce that I added Apple Juice and Raw Texas Honey to.


All in all ... really enjoyed the cook. The briskets turned out well but I think next time, because of the Traeger is with beef and having its heat source below the meat, I will leave the fat cap down until they hit 180.

The Wing Sauce got rave reviews, so I made sure to write down what I did.

Wife is making me take next week off from smoking - after arguing about it I gave in and said, "fine, I'll go scuba diving instead."