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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 3, 2009
Deep in the East TX Piney Woods
OK, I have about half a ton of split seasoned hickory and some pretty fresh oak, but no fruitwood or pecan, and I just had this idea: if anyone has some fruitwood and wants to swap for hickory or oak, we could pack a USPS flat rate box full and send it for about $14. The large box is 12"x12"x5-1/2".
I can cut the wood to 12" to fit flat or 5-1/2" to fit vertically or any length you want.

Anyone interested?


EDIT: Price goes up to $14.50 on 1/4/10
If you'll bring over a bunch of hickory ... I'm sure I can come up with some mahagony, narra, or yakal (although, be careful getting past Customs with the latter two).
If you'll bring over a bunch of hickory ... I'm sure I can come up with some mahagony, narra, or yakal (although, be careful getting past Customs with the latter two).

What you need is fruit wood (Apple, Cherry, Peach, Pecan) over there, Kuya (brother in Tagalog.)