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is one Smokin' Farker
Nov 1, 2015
Milwaukee, WI
Never actually cooked chicken wings before. Mostly because I thought they were not really worth trying...not enough meat. What I didnt think about was the meat to crispy skin ratio. I’m a believer now.

I fired up the rarely used 22inch weber. I used a stainless steel “grilling pan” with holes that was not serving any purpose, as a charcoal holder in the middle of the rack.

I got the temp up pretty high (470ish) and was hearing the skin starting to fry about 5 minutes in.

Rotated them once, and 45 min later, the glory that is chicken wings was revealed:

I just used kosher salt and a saltless adobo from penzys as seasoning.

Also got the 26 inch weber going at the same time for some thighs, indirect heat:

I also managed to turn those out in the same amount of time. It was my fastest chicken thigh cook ever! I was running the weber as hot as I could go (about 450 with my usual indirect setup) The thighs were almost at 200 degrees internal temp when I pulled them, but still as juicy as ever. For sure I thought I overcooked them, but I dodged that bullet. Boy, chicken sure does turn out good when you blast them with as much heat as you can muster!

High heat chicken is the ONLY way to go.I would fight a pit bull for one of those thighs.Wangs just ain't my thang.Legs and thighs,Oh yeah!
Looks great, but I had to wonder why you fired up 2 grills?:loco:

Two reasons:
1. I wanted to try to make wings using the vortex style approach on a small kettle. The small kettle tends to be easier to run hotter than the 26. That didnt leave any space to cook the thighs indirect.

2. I actually bought the thighs just so I could run two cookers at once. Because Steve Reichlin.
(Actually, I think Reichlin runs empty background cookers, but you get my point)

I actually cant believe I had to justify why I ran two cookers at once. Isn’t that the pursuit of happiness or something???? :wink::tongue::grin:
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High heat chicken is the ONLY way to go.I would fight a pit bull for one of those thighs.Wangs just ain't my thang.Legs and thighs,Oh yeah!

I’m inclined to agree, but these really turned out to have a satisfying crunch/tender ratio. Im adding these to the rotation. Unsauced though...gotta keep them crunchy!
McSpazatron, those wings/thighs look delish; well done!

If you like some smoke character, consider adding a chunk of your fav smoking wood onto the grates, over the coals, for the duration of the cook.

I've done this the last several times i've made wings, and I think that's taken my wing game to another level.

A pic of what I'm talking about:


And another pic of the same cook, 25 minutes in:

Two reasons:
1. I wanted to try to make wings using the vortex style approach on a small kettle. The small kettle tends to be easier to run hotter than the 26. That didnt leave any space to cook the thighs indirect.

2. I actually bought the thighs just so I could run two cookers at once. Because Steve Reichlin.
(Actually, I think Reichlin runs empty background cookers, but you get my point)

I actually cant believe I had to justify why I ran two cookers at once. Isn’t that the pursuit of happiness or something???? :wink::tongue::grin:

Don't listen to everything you hear on here.

You don't ever, ever need a reason to fire up two cookers at once.

Very nice yard bird, by the way.
Wow for the first time doing them you sure nailed em!
Wings are one of my favorite things to cook...probably gonna do some tomorrow to eat while watching some football.
I had a thread a few days ago about Wing addiction. Guess you didn’t catch it in time to save yourself ... Oh well, plenty of us happy addicts out there.

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McSpazatron, those wings/thighs look delish; well done!

If you like some smoke character, consider adding a chunk of your fav smoking wood onto the grates, over the coals, for the duration of the cook.

I've done this the last several times i've made wings, and I think that's taken my wing game to another level.

Nice setup. I agree. I love smoked chicken. I often use a handful of chips, usually apple. Lately though, Ive been skipping the smoke on chicken. Not sure why, probably just cleansing the palate. Im thinking the next round of wings will get the smoke treatment.