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Knows what a fatty is.
Sep 14, 2011
From the BBQ Central Show:

The BBQ Central Show

1 hr ·

Blind Item: The Vista BBQ Classic is $20,000 in the hole and unable to pay winners at this point. While they are working on fixing that situation there is no guarantee they will make it right
Here is how you will get money in order of priority:
1.The teams that spent money to PC (our goal is the next 2 - 4 weeks on this one)
2. The teams that won the largest prize money
3. The remaining teams
My first question is where did all the money go and who was keeping up with the spending?? How do you get $20K in the hole?

This is California. There may have been a $25,000 environmental assessment fee required to determine if the contest will have any detrimental impact on the breeding grounds of the endangered Pygmy Western Spadefoot Toad
The letter teams received cited poor gate receipts from the public. They event used a "hired gun" as their organizer, meaning someone with no financial interest other than being paid to run the contest. I don't know how those type of contracts are written but I would certainly hope prize money is secured in advance by the "hired gun". Only wonder how this organizer failed to know the prize money was contingent on gate receipts. Feel bad for the teams as I'm still waiting to be made whole from a contest in AZ in 2016 (not holding my breath). Hope it works out better for the Vista teams but don't count on it.
Same thing in Coeur d'Alene in 2018. We got about 50% of the advertised payout. Lots of nice costly amenities, but they charged admission, and only let a few teams sell to the public. As nice as the letter sounded, and as genuine a pledge was given to pay everyone, by the organizer, its just better to be realistic, move on and write it off.
Same thing in Coeur d'Alene in 2018. We got about 50% of the advertised payout. Lots of nice costly amenities, but they charged admission, and only let a few teams sell to the public. As nice as the letter sounded, and as genuine a pledge was given to pay everyone, by the organizer, its just better to be realistic, move on and write it off.

That is pretty much how Vista worked. Charged $25 per person admission with $5 parking and only a few teams vending. No real beer sales, which is usually the profit driver for these things. Had a big investment in people and infrastructure. To make matters worse, it was really in an out of the way location. The competition teams were set up so far away from the main area, that I'm not sure anyone knew they were there.
A bit of a cheap shot here... As someone who actually competed in the event I can say that the promoter "aka: hired gun" has not been paid and is taking on the responsibility of trying to get teams paid (which he does not have to do).

This comp was in financial trouble a while back (fact)... IMO those who where putting on the comp decided to gamble and throw the comp with the hopes of digging out of the hole, and unfortunately lost.

Will be sad to see this long running comp fail, but once they moved us out of downtown to the edge of Vista it was all downhill.

The letter teams received cited poor gate receipts from the public. They event used a "hired gun" as their organizer, meaning someone with no financial interest other than being paid to run the contest. I don't know how those type of contracts are written but I would certainly hope prize money is secured in advance by the "hired gun". Only wonder how this organizer failed to know the prize money was contingent on gate receipts. Feel bad for the teams as I'm still waiting to be made whole from a contest in AZ in 2016 (not holding my breath). Hope it works out better for the Vista teams but don't count on it.
A bit of a cheap shot here... As someone who actually competed in the event I can say that the promoter "aka: hired gun" has not been paid and is taking on the responsibility of trying to get teams paid (which he does not have to do).

This comp was in financial trouble a while back (fact)... IMO those who where putting on the comp decided to gamble and throw the comp with the hopes of digging out of the hole, and unfortunately lost.

Will be sad to see this long running comp fail, but once they moved us out of downtown to the edge of Vista it was all downhill.

Correction: The organizer signed the KCBS payout guarantee. Therefore, he ultimately has a fiduciary responsibility. Otherwise, the payout guarantee that was signed is pointless. I understand he was not the bank for this event but he signed the guarantee.
Unless sanctioning agreements have changed, the organizer takes on that responsibility when they sign the sanctioning paperwork. If they got stiffed as well that's unfortunate, but it doesn't relieve them of responsibility. It doesn't mean it's entirely their fault either.

Who signed the checks?
I stand corrected... was unaware that the promoter signed the KCBS paperwork. Seems a bit backwards but its now between the parties involved and KCBS.
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Somewhat surprising that the organizer signs the paperwork given they don't control the purse strings, although they should have the responsibility of properly vetting the promoter. Although the prize money is generally funded from entry fees, but there are plenty of bills due first so the money is not necessarily held separately. A well capitalized promoter like an Indian Casino, race track or established 5013c would still cover the expenses regardless. In this case it appears Legendary Events was a bit of a fly by night. Unfortunately this puts several other competitions in jeopardy.
The audacity of this FB post (Legendary Event Management), from not thanking the PC teams, to trying to justify the $25 entry fee (didn't mention the $5 parking), to slamming us teams for not wanting to PC, to looking forward to next year, not to mention the slight deal of no one getting paid. There is so much wrong with this. . . Make this year's event right before you start planning for next year.


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