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So it's an offset then.

I thought about double walling and insulating my Bandera then decided it was too much money and time for a Craigslist turd .

I've seen several offsets with insulated FB but not insulated cook boxes.......
You could call it Earl 2.0, but it already has a name. The owner has christened it the viper pit. Why? Hopefully, by the end of the week, I can show you. I will say this, water jets are awesome! Stay tuned...
Cool! Can't wait to see The Viper Pit finished!
Got the lid done the yesterday...

And I started insulating the cabinet.

I got two sides and the bottom completed and I ran out of sheet metal. I should have more delivered tomorrow. I welded the two halves together, and did a lot of grinding.

Water jets are amazing tools. You get to make cool things that are absolutely perfect.

These are tie down points for whenever the smoker is on a trailer. I spotted them where I wanted and welded them in place.

I can't wait to show you what a water jet can really do! Soon, I hope...

It seems that I haven't gotten much done, but I'm making headway. I was hoping to have it done by the end of the week, but I don't think I'll meet my goal.

What kind of material are you using for insulation? Thickness? Really hope you take plenty of pics of the insulation process. I've curious as to how it's done. Are you insulating the fire box and the cook box?
Got the racks done today. Almost finished up the charcoal basket, and I got the last side stuffed with insulation and welded up. My to do list is getting shorter!
Getting closer...

Drilled a hole in the side...

Why? I'll give you a hint.


I fabricated a pour spout and welded it in place.

Then, it was on to the door. Welded the frame...

Tacked one side to the frame...

Insulated it...

Then started welding the sides to the frame.

Got the hinges tacked on

And got the door hung!

To do list...
Finish charcoal basket.
Fire box door.
Well, I learned something tonight. Just because your fire basket is 24x24x8 doesn't mean you have to fill it up. I hit 600 in the cabinet! Lol, she's holding steady at 350 right now, but there's still a lot of fuel in there...
No, I haven't painted it yet. No pics yet. My raging inferno warped the fire box door. Fortunately, that's the only victim. It's my fault, I didn't put any bracing on it...
Who wants to give me a crash course in fire management? How do I control the temp? Fire box damper? Smoker box damper? Both?
Size of fire...exhaust wide open. Intakes about half open.

Lay a bed of red hot charcoal and toss on a couple splits and let it get up to temp. If you need more temp, open dampers or add another split.
Viper Pit looks pretty sweet! Wasn't there a laser cut logo that was going to be put on?

How is it working out for you now that it is all finished?