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.... more congrats Ray!!

I enjoyed the 'real' BBQ segment allowing the cooks to use their own choice of cooker.

The chicken segment was fine since many here take their product to a grill at the end to crisp things up.

The la caja china / lobster segment was entertaining but should have been more of a tiebreaker rather than counting as high as the first two.

Judges ranged from B to F .... the one on the middle seemed most focused on the food and what was expected of it. Tough call ... I would prefer judging closer to classic 'comp' standards, but that's showbiz.

Nice to see the continuing increase in media attention to BBQ !!

Obviously just MY thoughts .... no offense .... better than a huge chunk of daily TV programming.
The all star bbq show down was better than what Ive seen so far. I dont like the 5 min get you stuff togeather. The big question I have is how much does it cost Kingsford to put lump in their bags for Chris Lily to use. If you saw the commercial.
Congrats Ray, good show.i wish it was two hours.By the time you edit out the commercials they did'nt give a lot of time to the contest.
Congrats Ray!

I thought it should have been blind judging for all of the dishes. The male judges spent way too much time flirting with the women.
Bigmista said:
Congrats Ray!

I thought it should have been blind judging for all of the dishes. The male judges spent way too much time flirting with the women.

I agree totally with Bigmista. The judges should have kept a higher grade of professionalism to the judging IMHO.
Took a popular show from last year and had to Hollywoodize it for the A.D.D. viewers.
I'm really surprised and dissapointed that so many of you guys didn't like the show. I thought it was great. A show where guys spend half an hour trimming a brisket is never going to attract many viewers and after all this is a TV show.

As for the judging, last year was very tough on us. They reamed us for using any BBQ sauce and had an expectation for tenderness that NOBODY could achieve. I love Ed Roith, he is one of my mentors but when I watched the shows all in a row last June I don't think I saw Ed like a farking thing. Rocky either. These judges were very good. They rewarded you for good food and scored you down if it was bad.
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SP said:
Took a popular show from last year and had to Hollywoodize it for the A.D.D. viewers.

Popular with Competition BBQ'rs for sure. I think they are trying to go after a wider audience.

We all complain about judging, but it seems like the best food usually wins.
I liked the show overall. Too much butt humor, though. How come Ray didn't get complimented for his butt? Kinda sexist.

Just from looks, and not taste obviously, I would have scored the pork the same way: Chicks, Ray, Eddy. Chicken looked like chicken. The two dishes that I saw that I thought "Man, I want a bite of that!" were the Chicks' pork butt and Ray's lobster. Both looked and sounded awesome.

Way to go Ray for grabbing the Blues Hog! I wonder if Bill Arnold, Head Country, or any of the name brands had to pay for placement on that ingredients table?
I am being very hard on the show, congrats by the way Dr. For me, it went from probably too much technical detail, which most of us like, to very little info and alot of quick panning, odd angles and fast camera switches. I liked last years more so far, but I will still watch every episode several times. Ray, do you know why Chris Lily is not the host this time?
Chris is also one of the Executive Producers and doing both wasn't an option this year as there was just too much production. I spoke with him today and asked him if he wishes he was in there cooking with us and he said he really likes doing the behind the scenes stuff, so don't expect him back any time soon. On the other hand Pat is a professional host and I thought he did a great job so everyone is probably where they belong.
I also liked the fact that I've either met and/or competed against many of the Pros on the show. Sometimes finishing better than they did. :biggrin: But not often. :wink: Definately adds a personal appeal for me. Its entertaining because it is a subject I enjoy. I'll watch every show multiple times, but I probably enjoy shows like Good Eats and America's Test Kitchen more because its educational. I think the Versus show promotes BBQ more than it promotes cooking BBQ. That's probably why it will get mixed reviews and feeling from cooks like us.

I also thought it was weird that Chris Lilly was pushing Kingsford when he isn't on the show this year. Like, who outside of BBQ knows who he is? Why not use some of the Pros from the show? Right after Dr BBQ wins his segment, have him do a product promo. The audience has already identified with him and you've established him as an expert over the last hour... for those that don't already know he's the expert. :wink:

Overall, again, I liked it.
before I make an opinion of whether I liked it or not I want to watch next weeks show :confused: I hope they use different judges I did like the part were the guy threw the lobster into the audience :biggrin:
Way to go Ray glad to see you won. the only thing I see that i would change is more blind judgeing. if you rub them wrong with a comment they could get you in the end.
I liked the show and will watch them all, but I do prefer last years format better. I think that all judging should be blind. Life being what it is, it's too easy for a judge to form a like or dislike to a competitor and score accordingly. I'm not saying that this happened, but blind judging eliminates the possibility. Congrats doc on your win.
we'll smoke u said:
Way to go Ray glad to see you won. the only thing I see that i would change is more blind judgeing. if you rub them wrong with a comment they could get you in the end.

I noticed that, too. I thought Ray's explanation of how he prepared his pork was interesting and made me want to try it. Eddy's wasn't as compelling. I remember as I'm watching it that the auditory presentation is as important as the visual presentation of the food when it comes to someone expectations and anticipation. Its like when you go to a nice restaurant and they tell you that you'll be dining on sauted salmon with a saphron infused, rasberry reduction sauce... or some crap like that... instead of "cooked fish". Ray would definately have the upper hand with that aspect of the comp because he describes food all the time in his books, appearances, and the like.

See the show was interesting!! Got people talking about it. :biggrin:
drbbq said:
I'm really surprised and dissapointed that so many of you guys didn't like the show. I thought it was great. A show where guys spend half an hour trimming a brisket is never going to attract many viewers and after all this is a TV show.

As for the judging, last year was very tough on us. They reamed us for using any BBQ sauce and had an expectation for tenderness that NOBODY could achieve. I love Ed Roith, he is one of my mentors but when I watched the shows all in a row last June I don't think I saw Ed like a farking thing. Rocky either. These judges were very good. They rewarded you for good food and scored you down if it was bad.


Don't judge the response to the show from my viewpoint. I am only one person. I liked last year over this year for two reasons.

1. I got to see very little cooking in this years show.
2. The behavior of Daryl Dawkins and Michel Richard was poor.

Other than that the show was ok.

BTW Congrats on your first round victory