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Knows what a fatty is.
Apr 8, 2012
Portland Oregon
So I just got a cajun bandit extension for my 22.5" Weber kettle. I am hoping to get rid of my UDS and consolidate all my cooking to the kettle. I do almost everything on the kettle now as it is except really large or long cooks. I am hoping now with the bandit that I can do all of those on the kettle as well going forward. I am curious about the bracket he has for supporting the heat deflector. It has a step in it that seems to me would make a good spot for a second shelf inside the extension. Would this bottom rack be too close to the deflector? Does any body on here run their cajun bandit in this way? Another option I could see would be to put a heat deflector down on the stock kettle rack location which would end up a few inches lower, and would give me some more clearance below that bottom shelf. Adding fuel would become more of a challenge.
Any thoughts?