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Got Wood.
Jan 15, 2017
Fairfax, VA
Hey guys, I don't compete and don't ever plan to, but I do enjoy watching the comps on TV. My question is, when the box is turned in, how do you all avoid the meat getting cold before it's ever tasted? Seems they are turned into a collection point and the tasting may be some time later...or is that just for TV? Maybe it's eaten right away?

Thanks in advance!
We are a newbie team with the PNWBA - which means we have a 9:59 minute turn in window. (Believe it's the same for KCBS) We aim for the last half of the window. (if your in line for turn in, it counts.). We make sure our box with garnish is at air temp. Don't want cold parsley stealing any heat. Once we've built the box, we wrap it in a towel and place it in one of those thermal bags you can get at the Dollar store. Hopefully, that way we have minimal heat loss and it's at least luke warm when the judges get it. I'm sure there's other ways but that seemed to work for us.
Someone once told me that if your food doesn't taste good cold, it didn't taste good warm. I used to worry more about it but after hearing that and trying food that has sat around 15 minutes or longer, I worry less about it.

In KCBS events, the food gets to the judge in about 5 or so minutes after it is turned in. Then it may sit another 5 or so minutes while it is judged for appearance. If I want to see exactly what a judge is tasting, I like to sample it about 15 minutes after turn in times.

It doesn't have to be hot to win. It has to be perfectly tender and taste good to win.
Hey guys, I don't compete and don't ever plan to, but I do enjoy watching the comps on TV. My question is, when the box is turned in, how do you all avoid the meat getting cold before it's ever tasted? Seems they are turned into a collection point and the tasting may be some time later...or is that just for TV? Maybe it's eaten right away?

Thanks in advance!

Chicken is the only one that pretty much goes straight to a table. the 3 remaining categories take time as they make sure you don't land on a table twice etc. Plan on your food being judged cold. Because of this, when I practice I put it in a 9x9 and wait 15 minutes to try it. A lot changes in 15 minutes.
Chicken is the only one that pretty much goes straight to a table. the 3 remaining categories take time as they make sure you don't land on a table twice etc. Plan on your food being judged cold. Because of this, when I practice I put it in a 9x9 and wait 15 minutes to try it. A lot changes in 15 minutes.

This ^^^^^!!

The reps try to get the boxes to the tables as fast as they can, but the food will sit for a while, no matter what.
I started waiting 15 minutes to try my food after turn ins and my scores went up. Tasting it right out of the smoker does no good when a judge gets it 15-20 minutes later