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I'm just paying it forward. It was some other bastard on here that forced my hand in to making this one. :tongue: I don't think spending time in a room full of addicts is the best way to get over your addiction. :biggrin1:

Do you own an angle grinder, some cutting and grinding discs, a flap disc, and a jigsaw with a metal blade? If so, you're all set. If not, time to go to Lowe's!

Cutting the ring that had the handles in it was probably the easiest part. Just a cutting disc and a grinding disc with the angle grinder was all it took. Flap disc to smooth the edges. I taped off the vertical lines that I wanted to cut down near the handles to provide a guide.

Cutting the "lid" off was more difficult, but doable with a little time and patience. The jigsaw got it started, then it was a matter of cutting little sections out with the angle grinder until I had an imperfect circle that was just a little smaller than needed. From there, I took a grinding disc and worked the opening until I had a nice, even circle. Again, hitting it with the flap disc to smooth it all out.

Once you get building, if you have any questions or want to bounce some ideas, let me know! I'd be glad to share what worked for me and what pain points I had.

Great, thanks! I do have an angle grinder so it looks like im not going to get the keg deposit back the next time we have a party!
Great, thanks! I do have an angle grinder so it looks like im not going to get the keg deposit back the next time we have a party!

Check Craigslist, too. That is where I got my keg. $35, I think. I own a keg for our kegerator, so I haven't paid a deposit on a keg in a while (just swap it out for a full one). As such, I'm not sure what the deposit is, now, on a keg.