Told my family I was smoking a fattie....


Knows what a fatty is.
Feb 27, 2011
So I told my wife I was going outside to smoke a fattie. She said "what does that mean?" I laughed and told her it was something to smoke on the Egg. I ended smoking a basic fattie for the first time. All I can say is WOW. My wife and daughter gobbled it up like they hadn't eaten in a week. Funny to watch my wife powering through the fattie and at the same time telling me how bad this type of food is for me :roll: I ended up having two pieces and the family had the rest. She then asked why I didn't make two :-D

I always say that after cooking low and slow all the fat renders out so that it is actually health. Pork, it is the other white meat, after all. :wink:
I like it! I have most of my neighbors hooked on fatties (exception R2Egg2Q) since I have 1 slice and give the rest away. They sure do taste good though.
Congrats on the fattie! If they liked a naked one, they'll love one with stuffing and a bacon wrap. Have fun dressing up the next one! :wink:
First lesson of fatties: never make just one. :tsk:

Great job! :thumb:
Hmmm.... fattie appies before my ribs?? :thumb: better get to rollin'.....

Way to create some more addicts!
Way to go!

Isn't it amazing how easy and great those are? Every time I introduce the fatty to someone new, they're always amazed when I tell em what it is. They can't believe that it's just a smoked sausage roll. Then I always smile when the word spreads: " gotta try this!"