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When I pulled it and unwrapped the butt was dark all over. When I shredded it the bark was gone. Any suggestions on how to salvage the bark? My first thought was to cut off a side, and shred it seperatly? Is that a good idea?

I've been wondering the same thing. It seems a shame that that beautiful bark disappears once you pull it.
I take mine off as much as I can. Take a knife to it and chop it into little pieces then mix it in with meat. Bark in every bite. Ya!
I save what ever comes off and put it to the side. Then at the end of pulling I chop it up into smaller pieces. Then I mix it up with my hands (gloves on of course). You will find all of your guest searching for the last bits of bark left over in the dish. Thats fun to watch and then you know you did a great job!