Time calculations


Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Jul 15, 2012
I'm trying to plan ahead and avoid a disaster.
I'm used to getting around a 12 lb packers cut and cutting it into 4 equal 3 lb portions (not separting the point from the flat).
Average time for the 3 pounder is about 7 hours including 1 hr rest.
If I smoke (2) 3 pounders, not including the point section, would it increase the time much unlike 1 6 pounder?
How would your smoker know there were two 3lb'ers instead of just one? Unless the two pieces cook differently, there should not be much difference in time, if at all.
Not sure what disaster you are trying to avert. Cook it as per your normal timing...or start an hour earlier if you just are not sure... worst thing that will happen is you hold it the same amount of time or an hour longer...and reports say 'that's not a bad thing'.

Don't get to worrying and overthink it. It's just meat.