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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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Been trying to get these pics posted, but it seems our photo gllery has a bug.. anyway

It seems I have been happily adopted by Boy Scout troop 888 as their head pit chief. After the last outing(I know, I owe everyone the write up, but theres a long story and the post is still in draft.), I promised I would cook again for them. Well, last week i was approached by a group of the scouts,and in true Boyr Scout manner, the asked if I would cook at thsi past weeks scout meeting.. followed up by a long PLEEEEEEEEASE...

Well, thursday was cooked up 12 racks of baby backs, 2 8lb butts and abotu 60 pieces of chicken.. followed up with big ole pot of beans. cooked most of the day, got a visit from the peanut fairy and the ron_L came by around 5, just in time to pull the butts.

WE got there, fired up some rickety ole barrel grills and set the glaze on the ribs and served the kids..

Was great to see all these smiling faces, covered with bbq sauce, lickig fingers and coming back for seconds. Hung out with ronelle and a few of the Scout leaders. Great time.. and no leftovers... Except Ron-L.. he took an extra rack of ribs to the hotel to keep his sink cold. :)

Of course, we forgot to take pics of the stuff when it was finished.. i remembered when the chafing dishes were empty.

heres a link to the gallery pics.. I know theyre in the wrong album, i gotta work out the bug.. let me know if you cant get to it.
Very nice. That's a great thing to do Phil. I'm glad to see the kids appreciate your efforts and you didn't burn the ribs this time.
Phil, I remember them days of helping out at scouts. Where else can a man find a better place to spend quality time with his son than helping out in the scouts. I recall the days of spending time at my kids functions helping out and your kids think your way cool for doing it. I agree with Racer about the chicken also. But heck if I had a choice between pork and chicken.........You figure it out...LOL. Only negative thing I can think of here is teaching tomorrows leaders to bbq is their probably gonna kick my arse in Q contests. Great job Phil and god bless ya for lending a hand. Pics are great also.
AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA, Now I know it'll only be about 5-6 more years before I can convince the wife I need a huge BBQ rig. My son'll be starting with cub scouts around then and I can already atart planning the trips and eats.

When I first got started in scouting,(Cub Scouts) it was a real disappointment. My scout leaders were a lawyer and a funriture store owner. They knew absolutely nothing about camping or scouting. I was cub scouts and knew more about camp craft and crafting in general than they did. I'll never forget our first "outing" we camped in the scout masters Badcocks store. SOB wouldn't even let us sleep on the couches. He lived on a small pond(phosphate Pit actually) and had for one of our badges, we used my dads JohnBoat to teach the other kids how to paddle and steer a boat with an oar. Guess who the instructor was??? Dad was at work that day.....
I stayed with it in the same trop for a few years until it got to the Webelos. I told them, theymight but I don't...(play on words). My only disappointment was that I did not stay in or at least go to Boy Scouts and become an Eagle Scout.
I have a dear friend who had 2 sons in scouting. He is one of the best cast iron chefs ive ever met. Learned the art of dutch oven cooking by camping w/the scouts. Now he cooks at deer camp w/his dutch ovens. Both his boys dropped outta scouting. They both only had one more merit badge to obtain for the eagle scout ranks. He was totally and still is very dissapointed. I was hoping my son would attain eagle scout also but the scout troop dissolved. Oh well. Any help you can or do provide to any scout troop is time well spent in my opinion. Thanks to all of you volunteer helpers.
I'm already planning on doing whatever I can to become an active Scout Master. I think it's something this country needs and is one of the problems with the "PC" world we live in. I was loking through some of my uncle's old(read antique) scout manuals and it taught natural skills and reliance on self instead of how to type 50 words a minute using Word. Yea it's good to change with the times but there's just something about being in the woods and listening tot he wind blow through the trees, or seeing wild animals running through an open prairie. Kids can learn alot of that other stuff in school. I think I must have seen the origins of the newer not so Craft oriented scouts when I was a kid in the 70's. I just thank God that my Great Grandfather and Father liked to fish and be outdoors when I was a kid. Alot of the other kids my age back in the 70's-80's(I'm 35 now) really didn't have clue. We were the beginning of the fat kid generations that have followed. And, I became one of them after I found video games and computers.
John and Mike,
You guys should also check out YMCA Indian Guides.
I was in that as well as scouting and they have some great campouts
and one on one with the young-uns.
Lot's of outdoor cooking with the Y guides.
FatDad said:
John and Mike,
You guys should also check out YMCA Indian Guides.
I was in that as well as scouting and they have some great campouts
and one on one with the young-uns.
Lot's of outdoor cooking with the Y guides.

Roger that: Indian guides and Indian Princesses-at least that is what they used to call them, boys and girls seperate-a great Y program for young'ens. I did it with both my boys, loved it. Lots of good campouts, lots of good cooking. My oldest son was "Running Deer" and I was "Black Antler". He is now 38 years old, and remembers those days so fondly that he calls me Black Antler once and a while. We did Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc, but the Indian Guides were my kids favorites. And mine.
JohnMcD348 said:
I'm already planning on doing whatever I can to become an active Scout Master. I think it's something this country needs and is one of the problems with the "PC" world we live in. I was loking through some of my uncle's old(read antique) scout manuals and it taught natural skills and reliance on self instead of how to type 50 words a minute using Word. Yea it's good to change with the times but there's just something about being in the woods and listening tot he wind blow through the trees, or seeing wild animals running through an open prairie. Kids can learn alot of that other stuff in school. I think I must have seen the origins of the newer not so Craft oriented scouts when I was a kid in the 70's. I just thank God that my Great Grandfather and Father liked to fish and be outdoors when I was a kid. Alot of the other kids my age back in the 70's-80's(I'm 35 now) really didn't have clue. We were the beginning of the fat kid generations that have followed. And, I became one of them after I found video games and computers.

What he said. I've done a couple of orienteering classes for scouts. There's always at least one smartass that wants to know whey he needs to pay attention since his parents have On*Star and they bought him a Garmin GPS unit..... Most of the other kids eat it up. There's still a thirst for that knowledge out there.
Indian Guides, talk about memories, My name was Straight Arrow and my fathers was Long Bow. I can't even remember how old I was.
The Phil Miester!!!!
Boy Scouts? I was an Eagle Scout at 14 (1963). I still have EVERYTHING from my Scouting days. I came from a Scouting family. Dad was a Para-Professional Scout until he died.
Teach them guys everything you know (well almost everything).
Not many adults out there that will take the time to Scout!!!! any more.
Smoke On!!!!!!
I think the scouting thing is cool and necessary for kids.
I did indian guides when I was a kid. At the time I thought it was pretty cool.
I made it into Weblos (Hated the stupid name) But unfortunately, the leader was D-bag and it all just fizzled out.

I am really dissapointed with the youth of today.

A friend of mine and I started a project a couple of years ago with the grade school kids after school hours helping them to form a rock band. They were just getting pretty good, then came the girls and some dope, and before you knew it they had lost all interest.
"They were just getting pretty good, then came the girls and some dope, and before you knew it they had lost all interest."

Ummm, Joe......

Seems like the band worked out just fine