Found some matches.
Yes, the name is a joke! Well, sorta. I am a nurse, and I love hot-smoking meat. Otherwise, I'm a happily married father of three packing a serious dad bod. I currently play for Team Tiny Humans as a neonatal intensive care nurse.
As a transplanted Southern boy, smoking meat is in my blood, but as I was a long-time apartment dweller I've only started my personal journey in smoke. I started with a Masterbuilt gasbox (recently deceased, thank goodness) and have just moved up to charcoal with my first WSM. With two cooks under my belt I am already astounded with the results.
I've been a rolling stone for a long time who has only just put down roots. First it was the touring life as a woodwind instrumentalist and vocalist for the Navy Band, and then it was various jobs following my wife around as she built her career as a college professor. Now I'm ready to devote some serious time mastering the art of Que!
As a transplanted Southern boy, smoking meat is in my blood, but as I was a long-time apartment dweller I've only started my personal journey in smoke. I started with a Masterbuilt gasbox (recently deceased, thank goodness) and have just moved up to charcoal with my first WSM. With two cooks under my belt I am already astounded with the results.
I've been a rolling stone for a long time who has only just put down roots. First it was the touring life as a woodwind instrumentalist and vocalist for the Navy Band, and then it was various jobs following my wife around as she built her career as a college professor. Now I'm ready to devote some serious time mastering the art of Que!