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I got a jump start on Thursday, did four marinated Game Hens on the Performer and EZ-Que, two soaked in Lawrys Mesquite Lime, one in some QFC Kalbi sauce and the last one got the standby Mojo and Garlic. Spun 'em for 45 minutes at 350* over lump and Guava for smoke.
Fired up the WSM with some Rancher with Guava and did four whole chickens on the thrones with some of Bennett's cooking class rub and vac/sealed the breasts and legs for next weeks meals.
Friday morning I fired up the UDS and threw down two bone in butts, 14 lbs total, they both got a Mustard bath and one has Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom and the other Dizzy Dust Coarse, and an 8 lb Picnic with some Paul Kirk Rub. Kingsford with Cherry for smoke.
A dozen ABT's and 3 Fatties round out my weekend cook and I go back to work tonight for the next 3 weekends. I'd been dying to cook and it sure feels good!
Cooked 12 butts, 12 brisket and 6 slabs today for a catering.

Tonight is home made Deep Dish / Chicago Pizza. Tomorrow morning is bacon and eggs. Tomorrow night is undecided - thinking about stroganoff.
Tonight was ponzu marinaded, seared tuna steaks, with a pineapple , Thia basil salsa. I seared it over my charcoal chimney. Sorry about the poor pic quality.
Currently it is raining, Thank the Good Master,....No outside smoking this weekend so's I'm gonna be inside cooking Chili three ways. First is my Nanny's Chili, NC Style, used for Hot Dog and Hamburger topping. Second is two versions of Texas Red using Smoked Chuck I got in the freezer, one mild, and the other using Wanza's Wicked Temptation Hot Sauce for the additional heat..over 2 million scoville!!!!! Can you say,"Burns goin' in, Burns comin' out!"?

Love the new look avatar...:twisted:
I've got country style ribs on right now. Have to work tomorrow but am doing a dozen chicken halves on Sunday. I got some pics of the csrs but i'll post them with the chicken pics on Monday after the cook.
Tonight hopefully pulled pork Tacos. Have two chuckies in a canadian steak seasoning marinade 2lb fattie. For Sunday Spares for dinner and smoking the trimmings for pot o beans next week:icon_bigsmil
I got a jump start on Thursday, did four marinated Game Hens on the Performer and EZ-Que, two soaked in Lawrys Mesquite Lime, one in some QFC Kalbi sauce and the last one got the standby Mojo and Garlic. Spun 'em for 45 minutes at 350* over lump and Guava for smoke.
Fired up the WSM with some Rancher with Guava and did four whole chickens on the thrones with some of Bennett's cooking class rub and vac/sealed the breasts and legs for next weeks meals.
Friday morning I fired up the UDS and threw down two bone in butts, 14 lbs total, they both got a Mustard bath and one has Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom and the other Dizzy Dust Coarse, and an 8 lb Picnic with some Paul Kirk Rub. Kingsford with Cherry for smoke.
A dozen ABT's and 3 Fatties round out my weekend cook and I go back to work tonight for the next 3 weekends. I'd been dying to cook and it sure feels good! get any sleep? LOL! Break out the camera and post some pics of that grub.:p

One butt in the cooler and the UDS keeps on chuggin'. Egg doin' its thing to the ABT's and Fatties. Have a great weekend everybody!



2 picnics (hit $1.19 this week!),2 3-lb fatties from Costco, and a pound of cheddar.

First cook on the new UDS...with cherry.

Stuffed one fatty with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and capers; the other got red pepper, mozzarella, and olive oil.

Took pictures of all of it.................

............and no CF in the camera!! :redface:

It all went in at 7:30pm MST, so off to play with the kids and check it in a couple hours.
I got 2 packers that will go on the Klose in the morning since I've been neglecting it and using the egg.
Flat Irons...

Just a couple of pics of the Flat Irons sprinkled with a little Dizzy Pig "Raising The Steaks"...the steaks are pretty nice...good marble, about 3/4 inch thick, and very little gristle. The butcher actually knew what he/she was doing :p


One butt in the cooler and the UDS keeps on chuggin'. Egg doin' its thing to the ABT's and Fatties. Have a great weekend everybody!



Lookin' Good partner...Rhana wants to know what you did with the link sausages?:biggrin:
My wife asked me to cook some Carne Asada and some of her home grown chili's for dinner. Haven't done any grilling or smoking since the fires. itching to get back to it.


Wanted to post a pic when the food was done but the kids and wife wouldn't wait until I charged my batterys.
I guess they were hungry.