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Taste... Well, that's something else altogether.

Cranked it up to 300 the last half hour to try and crisp up the bacon. The pineapple started breaking down the bacon. Didn't taste very good at all. I now know how to ruin bacon. The pork got up to about 180 when I took it out. Still a bit chewy, weird texture to it. Ended up taking the rest out and putting it back in the smoker for another hour. The pieces that didn't fit in the pineapple were fabulous.

I was so excited to try it. BIG thumbs down. Live and learn....

Thanks for taking one for the team. These things have gone viral on Facebook but no one seems to comment on the results.
Everyone was sending me this over the weekend. It didn't appeal to me at all. I think it was the association in my head with my mom's holiday hams studded with pineapples and cherries back in the 70's. I hated those things...
Personally when I try it, I am going to partially cook the pineapple separately, simply because fresh pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain. Bromelain actually digests proteins, which will cause mushy meat as you experienced. The heat / cooking process will deactivate the enzyme and the pork would then be normal, not mushy.

That is why jello will never set when you use fresh pineapple, it digests the proteins which normally causes the jello to become firm and solidify. Bromelain is used as a meat tenderizer, and that if you leave it on the meat too long it will just turn to mush.

My choice of pork would undoubtedly be a pork tenderloin. I would also rub the pork and give it a good sear before stuffing into the partially cooked pineapple.

My choice for the bacon wrapping would be the thick-sliced cherry wood smoked bacon which I always get from Costco.

After the pineapple is partially cooked and the pork is seared, I would stuff the pineapple and then wrap it in the thicker bacon.

I think this method would probably give better results. Hopefully the flavor would also be better balanced, I guess I'll soon see.
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That's a great idea to pre-cook the pineapple and CSR. I suspect by pre-cooking the pineapple, not only do you get rid of the enzyme, but you also would start carmelizing whatever sugar is there and give it a "better" flavor profile. I'll be trying it this coming Sunday and will try pre-cooking as suggested by IamMadMan
Here's another show of appreciation for taking one for the team! :clap2:

I should have known better. I remember marinating some thin cut short ribs a little too long in pineapple juice once and they just disintegrated once they hit the grill.
I wonder if you would have better luck smoking the meat prior to stuffing it in the pineapple to "finish"?

Not sure, but I'm not going to try it again. Wouldn't want to ruin anymore bacon. Next time I'll wrap a fatty with the bacon.:wink: