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Wow Jeanie!!! What a great looking meal - steak cooked perfectly, and the crab legs......

Everything cooked to perfection!!

Thank you TJ!

There you go again girl "attracting attention" :cool:
Jeanie, tell me is there anything you can't cook and make a gourmet meal out of it :confused:.
Fantastic looking meal :thumb:. I just tried to take a bite out my screen :shock:
I am going to have to stop in when I am down in Oklahoma visiting my relatives... :-D
Save me a seat at your "Supper Table" :becky:
lol I'm being invisible...:laugh:... Thanks Hank, I'll save you a seat!

That looks delicious! One thing I notice in all the pics of your grill is how clean your grate is, how do you keep it so clean??? :confused:
Thanks R2! I did try to clean the grates a bit before smoking and grilling this meal. They were kind of in need of attention after smoking pork butt and brats the other day. :)

Thanks B&B!

Very nice!
How do you like smoked steak compared to steak over direct heat?
Also why do you pull the steaks off the smoker and then sear them?

I'm intrigued :)
Mike, I love them smoked first also love burgers made this way. It's not a new method, some call it the reverse sear method. I smoke steaks from 45 minutes to an hour, (depending on size) then sear on a hot grill as usual.
Burgers I smoke for about 45 minutes... they are so tasty. :-D
Thanks Mike!

Thank you Phu, HWSW, Gary, Massey, George, Aton and Al!:thumb:

As always Jeanie, perfection!!!

You make me want to be a better man..,,,err...,, I mean cook :-D

lol Thanks Harley!:laugh:

Acesfull...Thank you too! :thumb:
Fantastic meal for sure :clap2: For some reason I was thinking the steaks would be overcooked, but they look awesome.
That just looks Smackin' Goot!!! You make my Que look like cafeteria scraps Jeanie!! :doh: Thanks for setting the bar high & sharing your masterpieces!!! :clap2: Cheers!!!
Fantastic meal for sure :clap2: For some reason I was thinking the steaks would be overcooked, but they look awesome.

Tim... me too! I'm always afraid I will smoke them too long and they will be over done. I like my steak to be medium rare when finished. I keep the heat low and it always seems to work out. Thanks!

Must be talkin non stop, all I get is a busy signal.
lol Thanks Hell Fire.

That just looks Smackin' Goot!!! You make my Que look like cafeteria scraps Jeanie!! :doh: Thanks for setting the bar high & sharing your masterpieces!!! :clap2: Cheers!!!

Hamilton, Thank you.. I know your smokes are killer! Thanks for the kind comment. :thumb:

Thanks Jeanie. That was the best meal I saw in awhile.:clap2::clap2::thumb: I'm new to UDS (finished mine last month) and would love to try that in the near future. But always worried I'd overcook the surf part of S&T.
I too thought it would be over done. It is done perfectly. I should be lucky if mine turns out half as good.
Just finished steak n eggs for breakfast using your reverse sear smoked method using cherry wood, and it was the best tasting ribeye I have ever had. Thanks for the new method!
Just finished steak n eggs for breakfast using your reverse sear smoked method using cherry wood, and it was the best tasting ribeye I have ever had. Thanks for the new method!

Thanks for letting me know!! I appreciate that...really glad to hear that you liked them. :-D

Thank you Steph and Chris! :cool: