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Love to get my hands on a couple of those country style hams. Wait.... we got ham,cheese and bread,lets eat.:thumb:

Have you ever had the cured and aged ham they make in Spain?

I like a lot of hams, and they all have their place in my heart, but the the stuff they make in Spain is very unique, and is best eaten just with some crusty bread. It doesn't need anything else.

Have you ever had the cured and aged ham they make in Spain?

I like a lot of hams, and they all have their place in my heart, but the stuff they make in Spain is very unique, and is best eaten just with some crusty bread. It doesn't need anything else.


One thin slice on a piece of crusty bread, fresh baked for .75 at the bakery downstairs (or on any block, for that matter) -- absolutely wonderful! The closest thing to it is prosciutto, but that is just a comparison. They're quite different.