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Got rid of the matchlight.
Sep 6, 2019
Newfoundland, Canada
Name or Nickame
Posting from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada where we are in the middle of a severe winter storm with 75cm (30 inches) of snow forecast with 140 kph (85 mph) winds so States of Emergency declared for all major cities giving us a day off work.

Been working on a Weber kettle cart using some Christmas money gifts from the parents and in-laws and finishing it up today. I have the original Weber 22" kettle and just purchased the new design Weber ash can to allow me to fit it on the cart cleanly and safely.

Used a BBQ Cart plan from Jen Woodhouse's design website as the basis for my design and happy with the outcome. Not too imposing, but all the storage and working space I need.

Welocme, Chipper!

Good lookin' cart!

Nice to have someone about from St John's. I've spent plenty of nights in the Delta and Murray Premises...
Hey Chipper, Welcome to the Brethren.
That is one nice looking cart you got there, and I like the way you included the kettle.
When you can finally get out and use it, send some pics of your cook.
Great job! I love the looks of it. Are you going to put a finish on the top? Something may be needed for drippings and such.

Really nice
Great job! I love the looks of it. Are you going to put a finish on the top? Something may be needed for drippings and such.

Really nice

Thanks! 1.5X6 Cedar boards on top with 5 coats of water-based clear polyurethane. I plan on keeping it covered as we live near the ocean with lots of salty wind.
