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Thank you all my friends if only we could maintain the Christmas spirit year Roud and i am preaching to myself.... Think of the society we would be living in... My prAyer is for the needy and broken hearted to be touched by the love of someone this Christmas.. God bless you all my brethern and sisteren!!!!!!! Love all of you TQ
I try to help out but you take it to a whole nother level!


What size cooker you doing all those hams on? I'm probably gonna be connecting with you on a build soon and while I will be doing most cooking for myself/family I want to be able to handle bigger groups as well.

Great job, by the way. Spreading love via BBQ - who doesn't appreciate that?!?
Between this and donating the cooker last month, you seem like a great guy Paul, even if you are an Auburn fan. :heh: :wink:

Great thing you're doing there, have a Merry Christmas!