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I don't even know what the hell an oxtail is! :shocked: But that right there looks damn good! :clap:
Oh man, that looks good!! Reminds me of the open-faced roast beef n gravy sandwiches my my mom used to make. No "neat" way to eat them without getting covered in gravy. lol Love it!!
Well done Neighbor!!

Thanks Neighbor! I had the paper towel roll next to me and even after that I had to go and wash up. :biggrin1: It was worth it though.

Very nice Sako. When I was stationed over in Germany, there was this place we went to for lunch that had this Beef and Gravy sandwich once a week. It was so messy and so delicious. We never missed it...

I would've never missed it either Terry. Sounds delicious. Thanks buddy!

I don't even know what the hell an oxtail is! :shocked: But that right there looks damn good! :clap:

It's cattle tail Andrew. It's one of my ultimate favorite things to eat. Rich, fatty, gelatinous goodness. I'm making myself hungry again. :hungry:

Thanks buddy!
