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Fatback Joe

Babbling Farker
Jan 7, 2008
Memphis, TN
While working on my head cheese project I took a bite of the tongue and was surprised about just how good it was. I didn't figure I could find pork tongues anywhere, so I thought I would give beef tongue a try.

Started out with a nice big 5 lber.

Hit it with a jaccard and covered it with a mix of k. salt, black pepper, sugar, coriander, chili flakes, fennel seeds, and caraway. Wrapped it and into the fridge for a couple of days.

Unwrapped it look like this.

Gave it a good rinse and put it on a rack, gave it an hour or so, and then into the smoker for an hour with hickory and cherry for the smoke.

Out of the smoker....

From there is went right into a pot of simmering water and mirepoix for a couple of hours. Out of the water shot

Peeled the outer membrane (or whatever the hell it is called) off of it.

Wrapped it tightly and into the fridge overnight. This morning, I took it out and cut it into thirds and ran it through the slicer.

Left side is the lower rear ove the tongue, middle slice it top rear, and the right is the part we all think of when we hear tongue.

Took a handful of the slices and browned them in bacon grease along with some poblano pepper. Swiss cheese on top and into a toasted bun.

It made for a great sandwich for lunch.

This is definitely something I will do again. It surprised me just how good it was. Probably make a few tweaks to the seasoning, but the process will be the same.
Damn. Those sammiches look great. I've had some pretty tasty tongue tacos before but never cooked it myself.

Just curious.. Why the smoke treatment before the simmer? Was it tough to pull the skin off?
Looks & sounds great!
Usually i would boil first, peel then smoke. Did it retain any smoke flavor?
Now you have the makings for some great tacos!
Just curious.. Why the smoke treatment before the simmer? Was it tough to pull the skin off?

Well, I was following a the recipe/procedure in "The New Charcuterie Cookbook".......figured nothing to lose. Yeah, the skin was a biatch, had to spend some time trimming it off, but the end result was good.
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Looks & sounds great!
Usually i would boil first, peel then smoke. Did it retain any smoke flavor?
Now you have the makings for some great tacos!

Yeah, the smoke flavor was there, but I suspect it would be smokier the other way around.

Maybe liquid smoke in the water next time........oh wait, that is ribs I was thinking of. :biggrin1: