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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 6, 2011
I have been slowly making my way through the Simply Marvelous rubs. All I can say is wow! The flavor profile is wonderful and complex. This past weekend, when I smoked wings, I made some for my wife that were not spicy. I marinated them in 1/4 cup SM Cherry and 1/4 cup oil. Before going on the smoker, I dusted them with Sweet Seduction. She normally doesn't like wings, but she ate almost a pound in 2 day. Great job Steph!!!!!
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times......

Simply Marvelous is DA BOMB!:thumb:

Try the Spicy Apple on pork chops, or the Season All on just about anything. I dig it on salads, popcorn, in mashed potatoes, french fries, etc. Cherry's pretty much my favorite, but that Sweet Seduction's pretty hard to beat too. I really REALLY like the Sweet & Spicy too. Been using it a lot lately on chicken.
I have $40 saved up for the 6 pack order. I am excited to try them.