Should I catch pork shoulder drippings?


Found some matches.
Oct 13, 2015
Hey guys, Got a 10 lb shoulder going on the UDS thursday. This will be my first time making one. I did some searching and never found a good answer.. So

Should I put a pan on another rack under my meat to catch the drippings? or will I get enough juices in the foil that I should just let her drip onto the coals?

So glad I found this site, plenty of experience and awesome info.
Thanks again
In my smoker, I do not collect the drippings...I let them fall into a pan and dispose of them. Letting them drop on th coals causes a lot of flaring.

I do find that I get a lot of juices when I foil without needing to add the family doesn't like the drippings as much so I cater to the majority.
In my smoker, I do not collect the drippings...I let them fall into a pan and dispose of them. Letting them drop on th coals causes a lot of flaring.

I do find that I get a lot of juices when I foil without needing to add the family doesn't like the drippings as much so I cater to the majority.

I agree
Perfect that's what I like to hear. Thanks for the input.

If I do beans on the rack under how long should I let them cook? Obviously not the full butt time.
I have put a pan of beans under my pork butt while cooking with good results.
But a lot of times I will foil my pork butt in a pan at 165 and when I pull it at 205 there is usually about a pint of juice in the bottom of the pan. And I have saved that.
It will make clean-up easier and prevent flare-up and possible temperature spikes, but the choice is yours whether to use a catch pan or not.

In my catch pan, I'll put:
- Onions, quartered
- Green onions, whole
- Applejuice
- Water
- Spices (use whatever you like)
- Dehydrated peppers, they'll rehydrate in the steambath

When the butt is about 75% finished, I'll put the catch pan in the fridge for an hour or so. The fat rises to the surface and solidifies. I scoop off the bad stuff (I'd like to live longer) and put the "gold" in the food processor to grind up the onions, peppers, etc...
Then, when I'm packaging my zip-lock bags of left-over pulled pork, I put a cup or two of the "liquid gold" in the bag. Not only does this enhance the flavor of the meat, it's harder for the meat to get freezer burnt since it's a solid block of ice, instead of hunks of "dry" meat. Just be sure to get all the air out of the bag. I then lay the bags flat in the freezer, stacked on top of one another.
This helps them to not take up so much space, as opposed to having a bunch of odd shaped bags in the way (granted, that's a bit "OCD") :laugh:
I am one of the few that doesn't like my butts to look like a meteor, so I pan and wrap them about 3 or 4 hours in when they have a pretty mahogany color to them. When it is done cooking, I let it cool until I can pull (not shred) it, add some more rub and the juices from the pan back in and and gently mix it up. Always tender, juicy, and flavorful. I don't defat the juices, to me that's just more flavor. Others do. Try it both ways and figure out which way you like.
Catch those drippings they are delicious. Catch them and run them through a grease seperator. Mix it with some bbq sauce and sauce your pork with it. I like about 1/3 drippings to 2/3 sauce mix. Trust me you won't regret it. If you don't do this at least once and try it you are missing out.

At least give it a try and if you don't like it don't do it again. I think you may like it.
Catch those drippings they are delicious. Catch them and run them through a grease seperator. Mix it with some bbq sauce and sauce your pork with it. I like about 1/3 drippings to 2/3 sauce mix. Trust me you won't regret it. If you don't do this at least once and try it you are missing out.

At least give it a try and if you don't like it don't do it again. I think you may like it.

That sounds pretty amazing. News to me! :clap2: