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Got Wood.
Mar 3, 2010
Oviedo, FL
Mulling over smoker designs --

Here's an idea for turning a Weber kettle into a sort of a hybrid offset smoker. It uses hot coals in the top section for direct grilling (perhaps with the firebox door open, or using the barrel vents for heat control), and a fire in the firebox underneath for low-'n-slow. A 30 gallon barrel (the diameter of an 18" Weber) might be just about right as the base for a 22" Weber setup.

(Apologies for the amateurish photo editing )

Has this been tried before? I couldn't find anything similar in the forum anywhere, which might mean either (a) it's a stupid idea, (b) it's so obvious, it goes without saying, or (c) it's utterly brilliant. :wink:

hybrid uds.jpg
in theory it seems like it should work. I don't know of anyone doing this before, but I have very limited knowledge. I say go for it, and be sure to keep us updated.
I am confused? how is that offset? you could get a longer cook time but a UDS and a weber will give you more surface area
You're right, it's not really offset - more like "underset." The bottom of the kettle will shield the food from the radiant heat of the coals, so there's a little bit of offset effect. Not exactlythe same, though! But the key thing is to get more surface area compared with the regular kettle arrangement, plus it's (slightly) more appealing to a certain family member that would rather not see a UDS added to the collection.... ;-)
You're right, it's not really offset - more like "underset." The bottom of the kettle will shield the food from the radiant heat of the coals, so there's a little bit of offset effect. Not exactlythe same, though! But the key thing is to get more surface area compared with the regular kettle arrangement, plus it's (slightly) more appealing to a certain family member that would rather not see a UDS added to the collection.... ;-)

It may give you a longer cook from this mod throughout the night. When you need to finish the product you can launch Apollo 13 and add a chimney of coals to it for high heat finish.
My better half doesn't like a UDS look either.
I have to ask myself-why?

But then again I've had a bit of spare time lately and done my share of "mulling" too.
I like it, almost making your own XL UDS in a way with a built in difuser.

I have a spare kettle, I have a spare drum prepped and ready, hmmmm... Now I just need a spare step stool to reach i after the build. 8)

EDIT: I obviously didn't read correctly, you're thinking 30 Gal Barrel, I have a 55, which the darned kettle would just simply sit down in it...duh! I do think it is a good idea if it works, I would mock one up without cuting anything, throw a chicken quarter on after doing you initial burn and see what happens, If it works for you, snap it all down however you plan to. If it doesn't, sand the outside of the weber and repaint it, you're back to square one.
Good Luck
A 30 gallon drum is only 27 1/2" tall - and a 20 gallon one is 19 1/4." I can see that it might be kinda tall with a 55 gallon (35") or worse yet an 85 (40")!!!
Spring is in the air and Frankenstein grills begin to pop into everybody's head. :twisted: Well they do don't they?
I am not sure I see the benefit either, if you do this, unless you modify the OT system, you will lose the ability to modify the air flow into the kettle. You will make servicing the coals in the UDS much more complex too. Just wondering, I say do it and see how it works.