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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
May 24, 2004
Long Beach, CA
So I'm breaking in the new drum. Got the Hunsaker Vortex Fire basket in it. Filled it 1/4 of the way with Trader Joe's briquettes. Sprayed inside with oil and fired it up. Got 1 vent open. Been running at the temp in the pic for the past 3 hours. Just might be some hot and fast in my future.

Can't wait to see what you do with it Neil! You were one of the first to get me into drums with your "balcony model"!

I LOVE the Hunsaker Vortex Firebasket! Been giving it a workout on my 55's with excellent results.

I had pretty much neglected my 85 gallon drum, I mean it cooked OK with an expanded metal basket, but when I dropped the Vortex basket in it she became a new animal! Getting a facelift now and that baby will do some damage when I'm done with it!
Any pix of your new drum?

Also - an 85 gallon drum takes a 26" grate, yes? Not sure why I'm thinking what I'm thinking, or where I'd put the farking thing...