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Box A - 7 - Meat looks pretty good but the overall appearance is sloppy
Box B - 8 - Better overall look but the meat isn't as appealing.
they both look better than that mess i turned in last weekend!:roll:
not a fair test. Box A is turned 90 degrees from what the judges see and Box B is what the judges see.

Having said that A - 7 B - 8.

And the light on Box A is greater causing a "lighter" picture. I got ones like this from Kettering where 2 pics were different exposures and it looks like 2 different boxes.
Both valid observations on the photography, Ford.

It's always tough to get accurate pictures of boxes, especially when you're rushing to make the deadline or the weather is poor.
a little photoshop magic and A looks a little better

Box A - 7 The flat leaf parsley kind of over takes the meat, and the meat doesn't have much shine. It has the appearance of being dry. That may just be the picture.

Box B - 8 I like to see more bark, and the meat looks moister. Again, it may be the picture. The parsley could be pushed down to expose the meat a little more, and hide the parsley.

The chunks of meat are bigger in A, which tends to inhance the way the meat bites. (tenderness)

If you had the A size meat in B, I would consider giving it a 9.
I didn't read the other posts yet.
B-8, possible 9

The lighting in the pics is completely different and the softer lighting in B
gives it a more appealing look. The flat leaf parsley is just a bit distracting to me
but that doesn't enter into my score. The grains of pepper/rub are kind of distracting
and the meat looks a bit dry, but that could be the pic and the lighting.

I want some of B, looks delicious.

Just curious but how did you know that's what Neil did if you didn't scroll through? :confused:
Good one, Jim!

By the way, Gowan, I probably would have went 9 on both.

I am compensating a little for the lighting in "A".

One of my biggest "judging fear" was always that I give an 8 or 7 in appearance because I was too picky and then it would be the best thing I ever tasted! I probably kept it from winning. That would be a shame.

So something has to be pretty bad looking to get a low appearance score from me.

Both good looking boxes! I have to fess up and say I have a prefference for chunks, but box 2 looked a little more appealing to me.
