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If you have a vacuum sealer, you can store rub and/or spices indefinitely. It will not clump or lose any flavor. I have some vac sealed from 3 years ago, used it on 2 butts last weekend, taste like it just came out of the container. So, buy all you want and seal away.
Ehh, you only need a few spices...



and maybe a few others not pictured...
I mix my own, but bulk spices and rubs last a long time in ziplock bags in the freezer, so long as you expel as much air as possible.
The rubs I make use stuff we keep around anyways, so ingredients don't have a chance to get too old. It's a rare week that replacement spices and herbs aren't on the shopping list.

This is what I do. Store them in glass jars in the freezer. I use the spices in other cooks, so they don't really last that long.