Royal results



Hot of the Wire...

1. Lotta Bull GC
2. Smokin Clones RGC
3. Boys From Tornado Alley
4. IQ

IQ 7th Ribs
I Smell Smoke!!! 12th Chicken,13th Ribs, 14th Pork...Bombed Brisket...19th Overall
I just talked to Jimmy (smoking cracker). I geuss Jay and the boys from team Q, who cooked for me at the invitational as The Woodhouse grill got some bad tables. I think he said they came in at 79th. Better luck next year guy's, I bet you still had more fun than me.Anyway Jimmy (Smoking cracker) and jim (big daddy Q) will be cooking the open for me as the Woodhouse grill so look for that team name in the final results. Good luck guy's

The Woodhouse grill
GC--Lotta Bull.

Now, why does that not surprise me?
They have been on a tear this year!
Totally awesome.

I am so envious......... :redface:
Maybe someday. :redface:

Looking forward to the Open results. Should hear from the guys later tonight. I left after turn-ins. Awards weren't for 4 hours plus (6:30 pm central)! The Meatheads felt good about some of their stuff as did Kevin (VooDooBBQ) and Bubba and Jeff who were cooking with Snail Slow Smokin made the best chicken I've EVER eaten! Juicy white meat... go figure! Didn't have a chance to meet some of the guys I haven't met before and just a few minutes with some teams.
Well!!! We cooked our arses off this weekend!! We were so focused on the game ( very little to drink ) that it was the first time that Wayne and my self were standing side by side SOBER!!! We freaked each other out!! In bed by 9:30 :shock: :shock: Cracker and Jim got in about 11:30 and I stayed up with them untill 2:00 am. Ribs got done 2 hours too early , Brisket was the best that we have ever turned in, pork was about our usual ect. ect. ect. Long story short, we got our arses handed to us!! But we brought our A Game!!

Congrats Brother Wayne on the 10th best Pork " In the WORLD!! "

We love ya man!! Team Q AKA Woodhouse Grill

It was a great day to be at the Royal. I appologize for not getting around to all the team's sites that are Brethren posters here on the board, but it get's a little difficult to find the teams when you AND your wife have a little too much to drink because of the hospitality of the brothers that you do a result I think we only made it by half the teams sites....

As far as the scoring....what warrants a 4 in presentation? That's totally unheard of in a scoring system that states to start at a 6 for average and judge up or down accordingly. I think some teams fell victim to some judges that were out to ruin some people's day...and they did a fine job of it...I've cooked with and around some of these teams enough to know that on a bad day their presentation might be a 6 or a 7, but not a 4.

Congrats to all that walked, thanks for the beers and eats, and let it be known that the Bellys hope to get to the AR someday and payback the hospitality.

I'll see some of you this weekend!
The AR experience was a blast. i think our team spent a bit too much time having fun when we should of been stickin to the cooking guns.

We didn't fare so well over all. We beat a bunch of teams we knew, so there are some small personal vicories and we beat a local rib joint that I was convinced i could cook better than. So again small victories.

Next year we're breakin the top 100!!!
Spicewine Ironworks finish in the Sauce Competition

142 Teams

Sweet Heat 12th

Blue Collar 21st

Gourmet Glaze 59th

Needless to say I am thrilled!!!!!!!

Congrats to Steve for 4th in the open!!! Fantastic showing!!! Chris did good too but couldn't top his finish Friday!
Great job my friends...kick butt at Jack too...
Congrats to Jimmy ( Smokin Cracker ) and Jim for the 60th place finish at the Open. It was so great to be a part of your team!!

Solidkick, Char and I judged the open and for me the 4 I gave in presentation was a box full of bones. And I mean that literally! The box as presented had some greens and then a pile of "ribs" that were showing 2/3's bone all dried out and what was, I guess, meat burnt to a crisp. They were thrown into the box as if they had just been eaten and tossed into a pile.
If you get a chance, look over all of the scores and see how many DQ's there were for things like pickles, jalepeno's and foil in the turn in boxes.
All of this of course was caught by tables that had table captains and judges with experience.
Cooks need to demand more CBJ's in the tent especially at the Invitational, there they should ALL be CBJ! The open I can see being more tough to get upwards of 500 CBJ's, but when you have 81 tables and each table has three CBJ's (some trained thrusday night) and three non CBJ's you cant expect consistent (or correct) judging. Training for novices was left up to the tables CBJ's...which means bad begets bad in overall expectations... Tough for a cook to figure out who to cook for, those thinking tender means fall apart or off the bone or tender meaning a nice pull to the brisket or give to the bone.
Sorry about the rant, but teams were turning in some odd things and judges need to be "seasoned" and certified...
I was wandering through the hall right before dessert. I heard the announcement "everyone please remain seated we have one more catagory. If you cant do another please raise your hand". A guy came wanering out from behind the curtained wall, wiping sweat away and looking none too well.

So my impression was the judges had had it by the time dessert rolled around.
Thanks for the hospitality Friday night guys and congrats to all!
Jay, John,Jimmy great to meet you. Wayne the rita machine was work'n great. Bob was MIA when I was around did he find his way home?
See Ya in Columbia (Hopefully).

WOW what an experience, I need to say thanks to Mike, it never would have happened with out your invite. Jay Brian John Steve TEAM Q THANK YOU SO MUCH !! The red hot-rod spicewine was great to cook on I hope to Q with you again, folks as fine as you guys are few and far between !! It was great also meetin all the brethren brothers....all great people I am proud to be part of A site thats members are what good red blooded AMERICANS are supposed to be ! Jimmy and I were happy on the 60th but on the way home all I could think about was makin sure I go again next year there is nothin like the AMERICAN ROYAL !!! Jay the beer was great !!!
Roo-B-Q'N said:
Solidkick, Char and I judged the open and for me the 4 I gave in presentation was a box full of bones. And I mean that literally! The box as presented had some greens and then a pile of "ribs" that were showing 2/3's bone all dried out and what was, I guess, meat burnt to a crisp. They were thrown into the box as if they had just been eaten and tossed into a pile.
If you get a chance, look over all of the scores and see how many DQ's there were for things like pickles, jalepeno's and foil in the turn in boxes.
All of this of course was caught by tables that had table captains and judges with experience.
Cooks need to demand more CBJ's in the tent especially at the Invitational, there they should ALL be CBJ! The open I can see being more tough to get upwards of 500 CBJ's, but when you have 81 tables and each table has three CBJ's (some trained thrusday night) and three non CBJ's you cant expect consistent (or correct) judging. Training for novices was left up to the tables CBJ's...which means bad begets bad in overall expectations... Tough for a cook to figure out who to cook for, those thinking tender means fall apart or off the bone or tender meaning a nice pull to the brisket or give to the bone.
Sorry about the rant, but teams were turning in some odd things and judges need to be "seasoned" and certified...

I appreciate your comments on judging the open, and I would expect some of things you mentioned from some teams that jump into the AR as their first event.

My comments were directed against the judging on the invitiational, 86 teams that know what they are doing or they would not be there....I felt the scoring was unjust.
backyardchef said:
Great job Chris and Steve!

I guess you're not having that much trouble w/ the chicken, Steve...:cool:

Chicken was my best category all weekend. 12th in the invite and 8th in the open. If you guys have a bad category I suggest going on the internet and begging for advice. It seems to work :icon_bigsmil
Solidkick said:
I appreciate your comments on judging the open, and I would expect some of things you mentioned from some teams that jump into the AR as their first event.

My comments were directed against the judging on the invitiational, 86 teams that know what they are doing or they would not be there....I felt the scoring was unjust.

My understanding is that the Invitational was not much better when it came to CBJ's and non CBJ's. I hope I am wrong and somebody can correct me. I also hope judges were not out to be cruel and arses. I know how much money and time teams put into a comp and as a judge alwas want to err on the side of the cooks, no I may not like the taste of a turn in, but I do not judge down because of MY taste.
I can see that cooking is a blast, but more cookers need to become CBJ's and judge when not cooking.