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I really enjoy BBQ... and I really enjoyed Lime Rock and Blues a Que!! The consensus from the other participants is that it is annoying. As long as you guys are beating are butts, I guess we will live with it... just my 2 cents...

I guess you can banish me from NEBS....

Yours in BBQ,


Oh well such is life...... People do things that annoy us too (like whining when they get beat) But I guess we'll all just have to deal with it....Baaah Ba Que !!
Greg---Your pics were fantastic and it felt like I was there with you guys. Congrats on the medal for Grilled Fruit. It will be the first of many,I am sure. See you guys soon.
Good to meet Everyone

Just thought I'd check out the site... nice to meet you guys this weekend. I'm sure we'll see more of each other around...


Transformer BBQ
Just thought I'd check out the site... nice to meet you guys this weekend. I'm sure we'll see more of each other around...


Transformer BBQ

Hiya Brendan,

Welcome to the site. If you go over and introduce yourself at the woodpile, more people will see you are here.

I saw you at the NH Ribfest, but didn't get a chance to say hello then.

Glad you are poking around here and hope to hear more from you. :mrgreen:
We sort of played the middle this weekend... no calls, but didn't end up too poorly overall. That was only our third BBQ contest, so we were happy with the results...

Hopefully the lotta bull class next weekend fixes my issues with chicken. (mostly that I ahve no idea what I'm aiming for)

Jim, what team are you with?
Jim, what team are you with?

I was judging both days so couldn't fraternize with the cooking teams or enter their cooking sites until after conclusion of judging. That is one of the bad things about judging -- you sure miss out on the fun. On the other hand, getting to see so many different entries and ideas of how to present is worth it every now and then. Not to mention getting to sample such excellent 'cue.

Next time I see you and get the chance I will make a point of saying hello.
We sort of played the middle this weekend... no calls, but didn't end up too poorly overall. That was only our third BBQ contest, so we were happy with the results...

Hopefully the lotta bull class next weekend fixes my issues with chicken. (mostly that I ahve no idea what I'm aiming for)

Jim, what team are you with?

Hey, Transformer! Welcome! I had the pleasure of cooking next to you guys all weekend. Hopefully I wasn't responsible for your canopy being destroyed when mine got mangled. I was too busy boxing my fish to see what the heck was going on, just heard lots of screaming. Lost the canopy but got fifth in fish.:biggrin:

Congrats on the strong finish. Wish we had faired as well on Sunday but looking forward to my third contest later this summer in New Holland. What else are you all doing this year?
I'm curious, Transformer. Was it that giant pig staring at you all weekend that made you break down and join the Brethren?:mrgreen:
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Well, I got a lot better look at the banner once your Ez-Up took flight and we had to throw out 300sq. feet of tent between us. Really changed the view. My tent was bending, yours sort of finished it off... no worries, I knew it wasn't gonig to survive the weekend (I figured it would make it more than 2 hours though).

I also saw some professional sleeping in a chair with a lit cigar across the path from us... I figured that knowledge must be a learned talent, and I woudl need to learn it on here.

Lotta Bull class, and then Harpoon (which was out first contest ever last year)... I think we may do Lowell, not sure if it will be as judges or as a team...